Serious Car Almost Kills Motorcyclist

If I had a dollar for every time the same happened to me.
Does it happen that often? If it's a close call each time, then have a look at what you could do to make it not so close. Looking in to side turnings and position so they can get a better view of you (the windscreen pillar hides loads), and positioning to allow you a swerve escape as well as backing off a bit can make a huge difference to giving you more time to react to this.
Does it happen that often? If it's a close call each time, then have a look at what you could do to make it not so close. Looking in to side turnings and position so they can get a better view of you (the windscreen pillar hides loads), and positioning to allow you a swerve escape as well as backing off a bit can make a huge difference to giving you more time to react to this.
Agreed, if things like this happen a lot its time to look at ones riding style and see what you could do to improve. Very good points.
Woooww! I dont think I could have braked like that. I would have been down for sure. Good riding!
I know right ... after seeing this .. less then a month later somthing like that happened to me but it hit me :( ... Im gonna get back on my bike today if i can

Ah shit man... sorry to hear that :( So tired of all these car drivers that dont know shit about what they are doing..
Glad that you are jumping back up! Hope it works out and ride safe! :cool:
Ah shit man... sorry to hear that :( So tired of all these car drivers that dont know shit about what they are doing..
Glad that you are jumping back up! Hope it works out and ride safe! :cool:
thanks bro .. i got the Pic of what happend in the pic part of the forum (why to where armored gloves) .. learn from that .. get protection ^_^
Geeez that was close. Probably lucky they didn't see you in a way, else would have probably stopped right in front of you. Well handled, glad you and your ride are safe.
Yea, I agree he may of slammed on his break and it would of ended much quicker. ride safe bud
Thats a stupid driver, just how you couldnt see him/her, they couldnt see you either and it could have been a truck coming along and they would have been DONE
Thats a stupid driver, just how you couldnt see him/her, they couldnt see you either and it could have been a truck coming along and they would have been DONE
people on motorcycles are the smart ones that needs to have the better drive skills.. everyone else can play there bumper car game.
I don't trust cars that much when the sun is at those low angles...too much glare. That was a close call....didn't realize you were on this Forum Ghost Ninja... I watched and appreciate the Memorial video you did on 'Zachary Boub'.
I don't trust cars that much when the sun is at those low angles...too much glare. That was a close call....didn't realize you were on this Forum Ghost Ninja... I watched and appreciate the Memorial video you did on 'Zachary Boub'.
ghost is cool in my book ^_^

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