So What Lid Are You Wearing?

I see alot of the big motovloggers get sponsored by Ruroc. Though the helmets do look cool, anyone ever own one or tried one on? thoughts?
I have the Shoei RF-SR. Great for upright riding. Good ventilation and TONS of colors and visor options. Also the handy comm system pockets for speakers. Shoei makes great helmets!
I used a rattle can on my helmet, but still need to make a new photo.
All black is nice, but hard to stand out ;)
Shoei RF-SR is the second helmet (and current) that I am rockin'. Great for comfort, ventilation, has pockets for the comm systems and looks good. Pricey ($400) but worth the great protection it offers. They included a pinlock with the helmet which was nice.
Scorpion EXO AT 950 Battleflauge with Pinlock visor. It's not the most quiet or most lightweight, but is my compromise helmet that I subject to everything. Then I have the overly noisy AFX FX41DS that might get used as a goggles off road helmet from now on.
I wear a HJC IS-17. Nothing crazy but has all the features I need including a pin lock visor. Been the only helmet to date I have been able to wear all day with no comfort issues :)
Shoei RF-1200 along with the photo chromatic visor and pin lock. Love it, turns dark in the sun and stays clear in the dark/night. Pretty good venting and built in pockets for speakers for your choice of Blue tooth communicator.
Bell Eliminator. Would I recommend? Eh.... probably not. It's a comfortable and good looking helmet that's hobbled by the inclusion of stupid features that are designed stupidly.
Bell Eliminator. Would I recommend? Eh.... probably not. It's a comfortable and good looking helmet that's hobbled by the inclusion of stupid features that are designed stupidly.
Stupid features?
Stupid features?

Magnetic chin strap holder that magnets itself to your tank all the time - stupid.
Visor you can fasten down but takes the might of a million giants to undo - stupid.
Visor fastening and changing that takes multiple allen keys and correct torque - stupid.
Magnetic chin strap holder that magnets itself to your tank all the time - stupid.
Visor you can fasten down but takes the might of a million giants to undo - stupid.
Visor fastening and changing that takes multiple allen keys and correct torque - stupid.
Lol yeah visor sounds crap, when every other manufacturer has got simple quick release systems.
I've also seen a few new helmets with the magnetic fastening, no experience myself, i would imagine could become not only annoying but also potentially damaging if it does try to attach to painted surfaces such as tanks at every opportunity.
As I'm starting out, I bought a bundle from my local motorcycle shop (Thunder Road). I upgraded the helmet because I wanted a sun visor, and went for a Shark Ridill.
I bought the lot at the same time though, and didn't have much of a in a couple of years I'll probably upgrade..but it will do the job for now!
WhatsApp Image 2020-03-17 at 20.41.39.jpeg

*clearly not the best photography in the world but meh

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