Top posters will be coming back but we will most likely be running the monthly video comp as “most likes” as well.
Idea - every month there will be two winners
Video one, it will be the person who’s got the post likes in a month, doesn’t matter if they’ve only just joined but made a thread that everyone simply likes or a mental poster who gets one like per post but whoever leads, wins.
The other winner will be the top poster of that month, anyone can ‘win’ member or moderator.
Both videos will be on the sidebar once I’ve fixed it with the new design, they’ll auto swap at random etc (not auto play) - mods should be able to edit that section not wait for me etc
I’m happy for ideas on this as well. I simply pay the hosting bills but it’s a community, not just ‘my site’ so happy for even me to pitched and over-ridden ifyou have an idea that people like blah