Does something look different around the forum?

There is a new top posters of the month in the sidebar or bottom on a mobile :)

I’ll tweak the name a bit but it’s the top posters of the last 30 days

I need to hack the code a bit
it is working now, looks good mate! :)

Must admit, I'm not liking this upgraded CMS but its done now ha - The guts is working, just need to make it look better etc

Screen Shot 2018-01-05 at 6.49.50 PM.png
that seems sorted now.
Will the people online be coming back in the future?


Who’s online (I missed that so thanks)
Who’s spamming (top poster)
Who’s actually worth reading (top likes)
Latest posts

Will be the main focus in that sidebar

Next is

Top videos (sorting)

Then the usual self promotion shit, social media icons blah

If I’ve missed one then tell me
Although it is possible to see who is online by clicking buttons, I think it is nice to know who is actually online at a time. was kinda cool having the staff showing too but that is less important.... as a forum person it is ace to know if you post something that someone would possibly read it in the near future! :-)
I think the ads mine be a little out of control.

I can live with a few here and there but one in every single post seems a little too much, and its the same ad.
I think the ads mine be a little out of control.

I can live with a few here and there but one in every single post seems a little too much, and its the same ad.

Things like that, I’m tweaking. It won’t be like it all the time.

I think, and still thinking that I might disable ads for people who post say over 30 posts a month etc.
For whatever reason, there seems to be a floating dot on my screen...:confused:
Oh wait, it's just a damn gnat.
I'll go get the torch.:p
Frankly I think the new layout is pretty sleek! Haven't had any tech problems yet and of course the new layout will take a little getting used to as with all new things. All in all, looks pretty good.
The menus on a phone is a bit shit but the guys I got the theme from will be doing an update :)

I didn’t code this one
Was there a thing before stopping new posters posting links? Seems to have gone now if it was a thing before?

Totally forgot I had a custom kit that dealt with links blah - I've changed the 'rules' so only those who hit the 'post your video' rules can post links now etc (except internal links)

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