As bad as it is to think about it, you may be right. If so, we get to call him out on his BS, and have fun doing it.
- Wuf
I say as long we abide by Doolittle rules of this thread then we use the #anklebitersunited as the rally call since Yam referred to some of the fellow vloggers that called him into account early on by that name on Instagram.
I got some footage pending editing already in line and have two days of demo rides to shoot this weekend. So I will share an idea. Mix videos both quick and no more than 3 minutes to engage the audience. Titles like, "Fans of Yammie Noob must see." Even do cheeky PSA style announcements.
I would prefer to broaden it just a bit and make it not just about Yam but any of us that crosses the line and fails to own up to our full responsibility as REAL riders.
For example,
Scene is one of us riding doing a PSA. Mention how motovlogging is a rare skill that few possess. It takes mental strength (cut to banging rocks together and banging rocks on our head) shout, "look I am making progressive music".
It takes excellent hand/eye coordination (cut to rider reaching for a coffee while holding a snooty book at sunrise) say, "every day I read, sip my coffee, and think of my Triumph" then as we grab the coffee, spill it all over.
It takes an eye for art. Show one of in riding gear at their computer saying out loud, "OK, I got my sheeple template for the video. Now whose memes can I use to bask in their reflected glory?"
End with voice over, "the preceeding PSA was brought to you by the following:
The letter Y
Also a generous helping of bull from
Serving all your overinflated narcissistic ego needs since 2015.
Have all that for free since I just thought it up but will be a while to shoot it.
Be sure to classify it as satire.