Yammie Noob Crash.

One of the reasons why they shouldn't mix up videos.. If you were all about bikes/riding, and want to move onto something else, or have another different thing going on, I believe it's better to start a different channel for it. I would definitely un-sub once you start posting non-bike or basically not what I initially subbed for.

Not everyone will un-sub for sure, but that's their choice, unless someone has a magic number/percentage of expected people that will stay in the case of someone moving to different content than initial, please do share.
I don't think that he will lose more than 10% of subs if he switches to something else. I believe that at some point people stick with a youtube channel because of the person making the videos and not that much on the content itself.

p.s. it starts with priority on the content obviously ;). Just my 2c.
I don't think that he will lose more than 10% of subs if he switches to something else. I believe that at some point people stick with a youtube channel because of the person making the videos and not that much on the content itself.

Totally agreed with you, you can see this with tons of Youtubers. I for instance dont care what game a "lets player" on youtube plays, I watch his channel for him.
I'm not seeing him having a big following if he moves away from riding, especially if he declares that the genre is played out. That comes across as an insult to other motovloggers, and riders, but kind of says he done, but can't be honest as to why -- as in he physically can't do it, or is in too much legal trouble to continue.

If he moves to car driving (is that where he's going?) is he an expert in that area as well? Sounds like he'd have to start from the ground up to prove his expertise or unique take on ha field.

- Wuf
If he moves to car driving (is that where he's going?) is he an expert in that area as well? Sounds like he'd have to start from the ground up to prove his expertise or unique take on ha field.

- Wuf

Given his gimmick of overinflating everything that benefits him, he will without a doubt be an expert car guy in just mere seconds of laying his hands on any information he can pass on to his viewers as if he alone is the guru master of all that rolls upon the earth with 4 wheels.

In other words, BS the sheeple.
As bad as it is to think about it, you may be right. If so, we get to call him out on his BS, and have fun doing it.

- Wuf

I say as long we abide by Doolittle rules of this thread then we use the #anklebitersunited as the rally call since Yam referred to some of the fellow vloggers that called him into account early on by that name on Instagram.

I got some footage pending editing already in line and have two days of demo rides to shoot this weekend. So I will share an idea. Mix videos both quick and no more than 3 minutes to engage the audience. Titles like, "Fans of Yammie Noob must see." Even do cheeky PSA style announcements.

I would prefer to broaden it just a bit and make it not just about Yam but any of us that crosses the line and fails to own up to our full responsibility as REAL riders.

For example,
Scene is one of us riding doing a PSA. Mention how motovlogging is a rare skill that few possess. It takes mental strength (cut to banging rocks together and banging rocks on our head) shout, "look I am making progressive music".

It takes excellent hand/eye coordination (cut to rider reaching for a coffee while holding a snooty book at sunrise) say, "every day I read, sip my coffee, and think of my Triumph" then as we grab the coffee, spill it all over.

It takes an eye for art. Show one of in riding gear at their computer saying out loud, "OK, I got my sheeple template for the video. Now whose memes can I use to bask in their reflected glory?"

End with voice over, "the preceeding PSA was brought to you by the following:



The letter Y

Also a generous helping of bull from

Mr. PotatoHead.JPG

Serving all your overinflated narcissistic ego needs since 2015.


Have all that for free since I just thought it up but will be a while to shoot it.

Be sure to classify it as satire.
Out of curiosity, R-Rated, did he have some sort of beef with you previously? Insulted you/your buddy, or something? Seems you are really following him quite closely. I mean, sure, he can be milking it and what-not (don't really care much at this point), but why bother so much? Trying to ponder this.

Out of curiosity, R-Rated, did he have some sort of beef with you previously? Insulted you/your buddy, or something? Seems you are really following him quite closely. I mean, sure, he can be milking it and what-not (don't really care much at this point), but why bother so much? Trying to ponder this.
Out of curiosity, R-Rated, did he have some sort of beef with you previously? Insulted you/your buddy, or something? Seems you are really following him quite closely. I mean, sure, he can be milking it and what-not (don't really care much at this point), but why bother so much? Trying to ponder this.

Short story, it's complicated.

Long story...

Great questions, but no beef personally. It is a long story but I have always taken exception with folks that profit from misleading others. Combine that with being a former law enforcement officer. Then having the fortune of having a regular job now (not law enforcement related by any stretch) where I have the time to research. Finally seeing someone who had so much potential basically self destruct equals...

Plus there many riders out there that are great people. There are many motovloggers that do this just because we truly want to share our experience with our brothers and sisters.

Then think about this, despite all those good folks, someone like Yam (unfortunately there are others) presents to the non riders or aspiring riders or even aspiring motovloggers the made up personna. They act like hooligans to get views or they may pretend to be more knowledgeable than they really are only to mislead the naive or give all the good rest of us a bad name. Then the public sees one of us on a sport bike with a camera and we are painted unjustly with that same brush.
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And I appreciate the questions. I enjoy this site because of all the exchanges. Not everyone is lucky enough to live where there are tons of motovlogers to talk with in person of tea or whatever, so we got this!
I don't get the whole 'wy yu do dis rratde.'

it's come to a point where 'let them live their life the way they want to' has become a thing where assholes and scammers and people who mislead for revenue get a pass to 'live their life the way they want to' and if you're trying to expose their shit, then you're suddenly a bad guy. One does not need personal beef with someone to expose their shit.

I say good on R-Rated, for actually being fed up with the kind (the fake, hooligany rider crowd) and actually doing something about it. Just as you have a right to live your life the way you want, everyone has a right to judge/criticize/expose your shit.

Just my 2c
I don't get the whole 'wy yu do dis rratde.'

it's come to a point where 'let them live their life the way they want to' has become a thing where assholes and scammers and people who mislead for revenue get a pass to 'live their life the way they want to' and if you're trying to expose their shit, then you're suddenly a bad guy. One does not need personal beef with someone to expose their shit.

I say good on R-Rated, for actually being fed up with the kind (the fake, hooligany rider crowd) and actually doing something about it. Just as you have a right to live your life the way you want, everyone has a right to judge/criticize/expose your shit.

Just my 2c

Wow! Thank you.
It goes along with the idea of freedom of speech. Yes, you can say what you want (as YN does), but that doesn't free you from the consequences. I'm with R-Rated. I'm not a fan of BS. I get into enough political/social arguments on FB when I see bullshit from a poster.
There are many unwritten codes of conduct when it comes to vlogging. I may not know what they all are, but I can tell when they're broken.

- Wuf
Who cares, concentrate on yourself and not what others are doing. Personally, i like YammieNoob and his content. I also find it sickening how people are giving him shit because of this and the beef he has/had with DoItWithDan. But everyone fucks up eventually. Who cares, learn from it, move on, become more experienced. Honestly though, if it doesn't impact you directly, who actually gives a fuck lol
Who cares, concentrate on yourself and not what others are doing. Personally, i like YammieNoob and his content. I also find it sickening how people are giving him shit because of this and the beef he has/had with DoItWithDan. But everyone fucks up eventually. Who cares, learn from it, move on, become more experienced. Honestly though, if it doesn't impact you directly, who actually gives a fuck lol

Because if everyone has this mentality, when something does affect you personally then nobody will give a fuck.

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