Yammie Noob Crash.

It's kind of funny, I was planning on using a bit of a clickbaity title on one of my upcoming vids, just for fun.

I was in my first "motorcycle accident" today, when someone looked like they were pulling to the curb (no signal) and so I went around them and they then started to turn left into a driveway.

I don't see a problem with using that as a title. After all, contact was made and you had to stop.
If you want a perfect example of clickbait... look at 6ft4honda. Pretty much every vid is clickbait title in some way or another. On a different note though, if it works for you then i really don't see the problem with it. Views are king on youtube and it's even better if people interact with your videos.. So it's no suprise people use clickbait as it creates a hook and draws them in :/
If you want a perfect example of clickbait... look at 6ft4honda. Pretty much every vid is clickbait title in some way or another. On a different note though, if it works for you then i really don't see the problem with it. Views are king on youtube and it's even better if people interact with your videos.. So it's no suprise people use clickbait as it creates a hook and draws them in :/

I agree with catchy title as long as the image in the thumbnail is part of the actual video.

I am sick of folks posting all those puffy kittens in the thumbnails just watch five minutes of gold fish swimming about... :p

My issue is how odd Yam is calling out folks for possible misleading titles as fake motovlogging when he cannot even ride for a while.

Instant expert I guess.
To be honest, I don't see a problem with actual clickbait titles as long as they're not blatantly all caps cliffhanger kinds of stuff like YOU"LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPEND! or "AM I GONNA DIE BECAUSE OF THAT?"

However, people unsubbing or the hatred... I mean come on! They're trying to get exposure/money for their effort, what's your beef about it? People just wanna virtuesignal how 'being honest is wayyyy better' except those who complain don't have any exposure/income from youtube. I'm not saying you have to cheat, but if putting the best 1 seconds of the video as a thumbnaili to attract people is bad, then what are we supposed to do? Those same people who hate your clickbaity title/thumb would never pay attention to your video otherwise, too, sooo....
I agree with catchy title as long as the image in the thumbnail is part of the actual video.

I don't see an issue with using an image that isn't in the vlog itself. Some of my thumbnails are either an event poster (Hard Times Chopper Show) or an image of the place that I am telling a story about in the vlog (like my BraapVegas sign thumbnail) or a manipulated image (my ode to Twin Peaks: Firewalk With Me thumb). My imagery for thumbnails always has a connection to the vlog and the story I am telling, but may not be something that is captured during that ride. You might as well only use the thumbnails Youtube offers if you're only going to use stills from that vlog.

I am a graphic designer and doing quirky riffs on imagery from the story as well as from the vlog is a huge part of the fun of doing these vlogs for me. I personally get a little bored of just showing a shot through the bars
I don't see an issue with using an image that isn't in the vlog itself. Some of my thumbnails are either an event poster (Hard Times Chopper Show) or an image of the place that I am telling a story about in the vlog (like my BraapVegas sign thumbnail) or a manipulated image (my ode to Twin Peaks: Firewalk With Me thumb). My imagery for thumbnails always has a connection to the vlog and the story I am telling, but may not be something that is captured during that ride. You might as well only use the thumbnails Youtube offers if you're only going to use stills from that vlog.

I am a graphic designer and doing quirky riffs on imagery from the story as well as from the vlog is a huge part of the fun of doing these vlogs for me. I personally get a little bored of just showing a shot through the bars

I was referring more along the lines of hot chick, crash, or something else a bit more extreme that actually did not happen in the video.
I was referring more along the lines of hot chick, crash, or something else a bit more extreme that actually did not happen in the video.

What if I'm telling a story about a hot chick that crashes on my couch and she was listening to More Than Words by Extreme all night?

For real though, I agree with that as well, and if I see a picture of a kitten in a thumbnail there better well be kittens in the video.

As for the real focus of this thread, I have never like YN. I watched a few of his videos here and there because they would pop in my YT feed, but he always seemed like a tool to me. No spine or real opinions of his own. And his name even annoyed me as it suggested that he wants to be a Peter Pan type character and never grow up, forever the noob, and i think his crashes are perfect examples of his maturity level and lack of ability to be an adult.

As for the real focus of this thread, I have never like YN. I watched a few of his videos here and there because they would pop in my YT feed, but he always seemed like a tool to me. No spine or real opinions of his own. And his name even annoyed me as it suggested that he wants to be a Peter Pan type character and never grow up, forever the noob, and i think his crashes are perfect examples of his maturity level and lack of ability to be an adult.

I like your sense of humor!

Yam is not the only one that crosses the line though and this is not a personal vendetta on my part as I have explained previously. I am more concerned with those of us that act out when the general public is around. Example, group ride in an urban setting. Some pop wheelies in the wrong lane and some may ride up on the sidewalk. Speeding far too fast when non riders are around is a no go too.

But some of us do it and then publish it for others to admire and copy. That is just setting up the genre to get a bad reputation and authorities to crack down on us. Yam even proved crossing the line of professional riding even when you think no one is around is dangerous. Heck he even had folks ahead of him on bikes and still got it!

So he has an attitude like many of the other hot dog riders who don't care what others think, they can do no wrong and have no accountability. But here is the beauty of Dan Doolittle and the admins letting us have this thread - we can hold them accountable.

If a motovlogger creates an issue for the rest of us, we need to address it. So back to Yam specifically - in my opinion he is not a motovlogger in the definition of actually riding. He is definitely, again just me, not a motorcyclist/biker. He is misleading the 157k subs with their 50% +/- view rate astray in regurgitating information that can be researched with little effort.

If I did that, I would expect to be called out on it.
Maybe youtube should come with a warning label "Don't try this at home, kids"

That we can do!

Not sure if they ever broadcast Beavis and Butthead in England but the intro read something like this:

"Beavis and Butt-Head are not role models. They're not even human. They're cartoons. Some of the things they do would cause a real person to get hurt, expelled, arrested, and possibly deported. To put it another way: Don't Try This at Home."
—The original preshow content disclaimer(s)

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