What is your next channel goal?

Only took me 228 days to get 50 lol :D

Is your next goal 100 now? :)

I guess it has to be...

But that said, my main goal is to regularly add content - preferably twice per month - keeping to fairly short (<10 minute) musings of reasonable quality and learning as I go.

This forum has been invaluable
My channel is still so new (less than 24 hours old) that I’m not even sure what I want it to be just yet. I think my goal at this stage is just to try and develop a routine that I can stick to and try to find my voice along the way.

My first video is more Vlog than Motovlog (I have an old pair of Pivothead Video Glasses that I put on under my helmet just to try out). I definitely want to change that - I ordered a replacement camera and mic (Osmo Action). Once that arrives and I get it setup, I’d like to post 8 videos over the next eight weeks.

I find that I do well with goal setting if I “babystep” my way along. So to start I want to keep it simple. Create consistency and learn along the way. If I wind up winning over a few subscribers I’ll consider that a major bonus.

Not necessarily related to my channel but I’d like to become more active in the motovlogger community. I feel like I know who many of the big names are but I want to actively seek out the smaller channels and become a regular commenter.
The community is the place to get your initial growth, so get to know the folk on here and the other groups you follow. I happily follow the members on here that are active and take part in the forums! :-) So get stuck in on the various discussions and let folk know your POV on those discussions! :-)
My channel is still so new (less than 24 hours old) that I’m not even sure what I want it to be just yet. I think my goal at this stage is just to try and develop a routine that I can stick to and try to find my voice along the way.

My first video is more Vlog than Motovlog (I have an old pair of Pivothead Video Glasses that I put on under my helmet just to try out). I definitely want to change that - I ordered a replacement camera and mic (Osmo Action). Once that arrives and I get it setup, I’d like to post 8 videos over the next eight weeks.

I find that I do well with goal setting if I “babystep” my way along. So to start I want to keep it simple. Create consistency and learn along the way. If I wind up winning over a few subscribers I’ll consider that a major bonus.

Not necessarily related to my channel but I’d like to become more active in the motovlogger community. I feel like I know who many of the big names are but I want to actively seek out the smaller channels and become a regular commenter.
Just take it a day at a time
Hit the 4K viewing hours today. :)
So me a happy man.

And in need to think of a new goal xD
Well done dude. Maintaining the hours should be pretty easy, and as you have the sub count in the bag you should be golden. YT ad revenue is peanuts though mate, roughly £1 per 1000 views ish


Well done dude. Maintaining the hours should be pretty easy, and as you have the sub count in the bag you should be golden. YT ad revenue is peanuts though mate, roughly £1 per 1000 views ish
Thanks :)
Ohh, i don't anticipate any gold mine or whatever.
I had the monetization for some years, before the 4k ruling come online, and did around 35 euro's per year xD
Don't really care about that at this moment either, but it was a target to get there ;)

It is all automatic, so don't even have to look at it. Keeping it up should be doable for sure.
I'd hope to reach 5k subscribers this year but with less then 6 months left and an avarege of 143 new subs/month it's gonna be tight, to say the least :p.ch

Anyway, I'm still hopefull and I'm gonna put some more effort into actually promote my channel.

Getting back my "real bike" in august will also help doing some more videos.
I posted some goals of mine a month ago, let's see how I've done since then:

1. Reach 100 subs to get my custom URL - Done! Sitting at 142 today.
2. Buy a second camera for the handlebars - Working on it....
3. Create a better banner for my Youtube page. - Started this, still playing with ideas.
4. Increase my videos per week from one to two, at least every other week. - Done, had a few two video weeks already.
5. Improve the quality of my videos to include more B-roll and scene breaks. - Work in progress...
6. Work on talking slower while filming. I get too excited when filming. - Need to focus on this while filming.
7. Buy a camera drone. - No time soon.

Still, not too bad for a hobbyist motovlogger. :D

The handlebar camera, I wanted to get a Hero 5 Session but they are really hard to come by now, can't buy them new at all anymore for a reasonable price. I might just get another Hero 8 like my current camera, then I can share battery packs, and they'll both have identical picture quality too.

Current new goal:

8. Work through my backlog of footage to edit it all into motovlogs. I have like 13 videos in progress right now!!! :oops:
My recent goal is to figure out how to make my videos more interesting for the viewers but at the same time relatively easy to create without losing visual quality. I'm still weighting realtime vloging vs voiceover for my travel vids. Both have some pros and cons... decisions decisions...
My recent goal is to figure out how to make my videos more interesting for the viewers but at the same time relatively easy to create without losing visual quality. I'm still weighting realtime vloging vs voiceover for my travel vids. Both have some pros and cons... decisions decisions...
You are one of the few that I sub to that can get away with regular voice-overs as you engage the audience with live and dubbed footage, you are a genius at the balance mate. I dare anyone to watch one of your tour vids (especially the France ones) and not want to subscribe to your channel after!
My recent goal is to figure out how to make my videos more interesting for the viewers but at the same time relatively easy to create without losing visual quality.

That's one of my goals too. I got my low cost Hero 7 now for a handlebars and I'm experimenting with different ways to mount it. Editing will be more work but I think it will make my videos more interesting to watch. I like other motovloggers who have multiple camera views in their videos and I want to give it a shot too.
Well, I'm on track for 100 subs - 3 more to go! So really that's my next goal. That said - one of my main aims at the moment is to start up some little mini-series. One in particular being specific local sites of interest - we have a lot of really cool ancient history around here - whether other people find it interesting or not remains to be seen, but I think it would be cool to have something mini-series based.

That's one of my goals too. I got my low cost Hero 7 now for a handlebars and I'm experimenting with different ways to mount it. Editing will be more work but I think it will make my videos more interesting to watch. I like other motovloggers who have multiple camera views in their videos and I want to give it a shot too.

Multi-cam is fun, if time consuming, to edit. My last video I used 4 cameras - helmet, screen, rear and side. It's good fun as it allows you to switch things up.
Well, I'm on track for 100 subs - 3 more to go! So really that's my next goal. That said - one of my main aims at the moment is to start up some little mini-series. One in particular being specific local sites of interest - we have a lot of really cool ancient history around here - whether other people find it interesting or not remains to be seen, but I think it would be cool to have something mini-series based.

Multi-cam is fun, if time consuming, to edit. My last video I used 4 cameras - helmet, screen, rear and side. It's good fun as it allows you to switch things up.
I can't wait to get back to being able to do my Motovlogging History videos again! :-)
Sitting at 818 subscribers so my goal is to hit 1,000 by the end of the year then after that it is to be able to create content during the winter where as normally I just don't put out any content during the winter.

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