Joke Thread

A guy started wondering what his mother and father did to pass time before the internet. He asked them but they refused to talk about it.

So the guy asked his 18 brothers and sisters but none of them knew either.
Since I cannot spell late at night I corrected my post in the spot above

Woman is crying and says to the husband: "Our pharmacist insulted me!"
Man, furious, rushes to the pharmacy and asks what does he have to say for himself.
The pharmacist explains: "This morning, I slept in, because the alarm clock did not ring. When leaving home, I slammed the door shut, but then discovered that I left both house keys and car keys inside. I had to break a window to get the keys. On the way to pharmacy, my tire broke, so I was even more late. Of course there was already a queue behind the door. And the phone was ringing. Rushing, I dropped all the change. When I picked it up and stood up again, I hit my head to the counter, and then lost my balance and fell, breaking the counter glass. And the phone kept ringing and ringing. I grabbed the phone and answered, and there was your wife, asking how does one use rectal thermometer. Honest to god, I just told her how to use it."

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