Kill Kitty
Wannabie Member
It depends. bakerXderek makes it work. He's well past 100k subscribers and no one (save for close friends) know what he looks like. I did a face reveal video because I no longer wanted to limit myself. That and I was sick and tired of cutting (or blurring) out clips that showed a reflection of my face.
If you are established like bakerXderek I don't think it would be wise to do a face reveal. But if you are just starting out? No problems there. Some people will not like what you look like and unsubscribe. The funny thing is that I did not notice a drop at all. I gained subscribers after the reveal!
I didn't read this entire thread, so maybe this has been covered. But I think this is the main reason I won't do a reveal. Especially for female vloggers. I think that the tendency for subscribers to either subscribe or unsubscribe based on the "hotness" of the female vlogger is the main reason I won't do it. I would not describe myself as ugly, but I'm no model either. So my main hang up is that I want people who sub me because they like the content and interaction. There are numerous female vloggers out there with tens of thousands of subs. They put out basically zero content, but they are undoubtedly "hot". I'm not hating on them. More power to them, but that's not me. Not showing what I look like makes me feel somewhat distanced from my subscribers, but maybe that's a good thing. I feel like the few subs I DO have are there because they want to be there to comment and interact.