Big Meet Up In The UK - Signup List

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Personally i think 50cc's would spoil it for the most of us, at least 125cc's would be able to go up hills. I'd be tempted not to come if i had to spend the entire weekend waiting for mopeds, i rode one for 6 months, i know what they're like!
Why is everyone hating on scooters?

Everyone has rode one.

& I'm pretty sure at some point that when you where riding them all you could think about was either, 'can't wait to ride a bigger bike' or 'I want to go on a meet but i'm stuck on a scooter'.

Personally I'd be happy for them to come, if it's going to spoil someones weekend with regards to a scooter rider coming, don't come.

now, I don't know if any of you have rode in wales but take this from experiance, theres a so many speed cameras you'd be lucky to break the speed limit.

from CMC - Wales there is no motorways or dual carraidge ways, so why would it spoil it? The speed limit is only around 40mph.

I don't care how you get to the meet, just aslong as you get there. So when we are alll together we can all have a good time.

When I had my 50 it was capable of 45 - 50mph. so thats fine, (now I don't know what SB12's mates scooters are like so I can't comment)

2 groups would work as long as there was 2 "bigger bikes" with the slower group, just so everything whent smoothly. I'd be more than happy (as I've said before), to sit at the back with the slowest. (stops temptation to open it up)

feel free to disagree.
Re: Re: Big Meet Up In The UK - Signup List

Friz said:
I second Carl. Especially his last point.

Fourth'd my solution is simple, 1 person needs to know the route, the rest just follow the directions of the guy in front. Last man, stays as last man.

Person who's told to stop, stops until flashed on by the last.

Simples, if you can't handle being told what to do, how the heck did you pass a bike test?

Prior preparation prevents piss poor performance.

Beats all faffing around trying to contact people when they get lost. Gets rid of the waiting around factor and no problem dealing with slower riders, they ride where they want in between first and last.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
AZZ3R said:
Why is everyone hating on scooters?

Everyone has rode one.

& I'm pretty sure at some point that when you where riding them all you could think about was either, 'can't wait to ride a bigger bike' or 'I want to go on a meet but i'm stuck on a scooter'.

Personally I'd be happy for them to come, if it's going to spoil someones weekend with regards to a scooter rider coming, don't come.

now, I don't know if any of you have rode in wales but take this from experiance, theres a so many speed cameras you'd be lucky to break the speed limit.

from CMC - Wales there is no motorways or dual carraidge ways, so why would it spoil it? The speed limit is only around 40mph.

I don't care how you get to the meet, just aslong as you get there. So when we are alll together we can all have a good time.

When I had my 50 it was capable of 45 - 50mph. so thats fine, (now I don't know what SB12's mates scooters are like so I can't comment)

2 groups would work as long as there was 2 "bigger bikes" with the slower group, just so everything whent smoothly. I'd be more than happy (as I've said before), to sit at the back with the slowest. (stops temptation to open it up)

feel free to disagree.

yep, as i said i rode one for 6 months, and i've ridden with mopeds "capable of" 45 as well, until we hit a hill, or a slight headwind, then we have to wait 3 miles for them to pick up speed again.

it doesn't help that i hate the sound/existence of mopeds, as i did when i rode one.

if any come on the meet i won't be waiting around for them, and if my expectations are met i may well just go my own way.
CurlyBlakey said:
AZZ3R said:
Why is everyone hating on scooters?

Everyone has rode one.

& I'm pretty sure at some point that when you where riding them all you could think about was either, 'can't wait to ride a bigger bike' or 'I want to go on a meet but i'm stuck on a scooter'.

Personally I'd be happy for them to come, if it's going to spoil someones weekend with regards to a scooter rider coming, don't come.

now, I don't know if any of you have rode in wales but take this from experiance, theres a so many speed cameras you'd be lucky to break the speed limit.

from CMC - Wales there is no motorways or dual carraidge ways, so why would it spoil it? The speed limit is only around 40mph.

I don't care how you get to the meet, just aslong as you get there. So when we are alll together we can all have a good time.

When I had my 50 it was capable of 45 - 50mph. so thats fine, (now I don't know what SB12's mates scooters are like so I can't comment)

2 groups would work as long as there was 2 "bigger bikes" with the slower group, just so everything whent smoothly. I'd be more than happy (as I've said before), to sit at the back with the slowest. (stops temptation to open it up)

feel free to disagree.

yep, as i said i rode one for 6 months, and i've ridden with mopeds "capable of" 45 as well, until we hit a hill, or a slight headwind, then we have to wait 3 miles for them to pick up speed again.

it doesn't help that i hate the sound/existence of mopeds, as i did when i rode one.

if any come on the meet i won't be waiting around for them, and if my expectations are met i may well just go my own way.

I second every point written by Curly.
Sorry if some of thishas been said, I've only read the point quickly on my phone, sonsome of the things I say might be invalid. I don't think scooters should cone along, I'm not hating on them, just thinking practically. Firstly it would a lot of riding for them halfway across the country. Secondly we can't all ride at the same speed as them, 15-20 bike all in convoy at 30-40mph would put all of us in danger, with cars trying to force their way through. Also it we affect the enjoyment of the weekend for the others (I know that sounds bad but it's true). This trip is going to be slightly difficult to ensure we get know major problems without having organise it all to accommodate just 2 out of 15-20 people. Like I said I have nothing against peds, I still have mine and would keep it if I could afford to, which unfortunately I can't. But thinking practically mopeds coming along wouldn't work.
Chuckles85 said:
enough of us have tomtoms so making sure we get to the next point won't be too bad, if we need 2 groups I can hang back and lead the scooter group with my satnav, then the big boys can go about getting to the next stop if they like, I'm sure someone else will also be willing to alternate with me leading a slower group if needed, so scooters dont be put off.


Noone has asked you to 'wait' around for them. If you don't want to be 'Hanging' around waiting for them, don't. But I'm pretty sure they will pass you when your filling up. & along with the amount of traffic lights were going to hit.

& if your botherd about the sound of them your own pipes aren't loud enough.
AZZ3R said:
Chuckles85 said:
enough of us have tomtoms so making sure we get to the next point won't be too bad, if we need 2 groups I can hang back and lead the scooter group with my satnav, then the big boys can go about getting to the next stop if they like, I'm sure someone else will also be willing to alternate with me leading a slower group if needed, so scooters dont be put off.


Noone has asked you to 'wait' around for them. If you don't want to be 'Hanging' around waiting for them, don't. But I'm pretty sure they will pass you when your filling up. & along with the amount of traffic lights were going to hit.

& if your botherd about the sound of them your own pipes aren't loud enough.

I know noone has, but the fact of the matter is we will be. I don't want a conflict, because that would just spoil the meet but it seems to me that all you want to do is piss off everyone else who is coming. Be reasonable, we're not going to be flying round all over the place but mopeds coming would be highly impractical.
I totally understand that and I believe the moped riders would too, but if they have a satnav, they know where our final destination is and the dont mind meeting us at certain stops along the way I am sure they would love it as much as the big bikes, we can all catch up on the night anyhow :P
I have nothing against mopeds but lets say they can come... then we all ride at a pace we are comfy with.
We will find that they will naturally get left behind, if it's made clear to everyone before that we are all riding at our own paces then they should have no problem with being left behind knowing that the rest of us will probably be several miles ahead and constantly widening the gap, it would be there choice. I think we should keep it open to them as to not cause problems but make it clear that not all of us will be happy to sit around at 40mph the whole trip.

Dont get me wrong, i think it would be a shame if we didnt all ride together as a group but splitting might be the only way to resolve things like this and keep everyone happy.
CurlyBlakey said:
I know noone has, but the fact of the matter is we will be. I don't want a conflict, because that would just spoil the meet but it seems to me that all you want to do is piss off everyone else who is coming. Be reasonable, we're not going to be flying round all over the place but mopeds coming would be highly impractical.

The Idea of this meet is just to get as many UK bikers to meet as possible.

Cheesecake had an idea and it worked, noone said who can & can't come.

I've said twice that I'll wait behind with them, if you don't want to so thats fine with me. I have my Zumo so I'll make sure we all get to where we need to.

Chuckles also said he will.

I'm not trying to piss anyone off, you made a point of scooters not comming, I suggested my point if you don't like it fair enough. you said if their comming "I'm not". Thats fine with me.

I understand what your saying about them, why single them out just because their slower. you might be slower than me but doesn't mean I don't want you to come.
Each to their own, no-ones forcing anyone to do anything. The idea is to meet people and have a laugh, how people go about doing that should be entirely up to them.
Scottishrider2011 said:
Each to their own, no-ones forcing anyone to do anything. The idea is to meet people and have a laugh, how people go about doing that should be entirely up to them.


TBH I don't even know why we are talking about it.

as someone has said there won't be many 2tops & no doubt the trip to CMC will be boring and they will give up let alone travling from CMC - Wales.

Persoanlly I don't see them actually deciding to come due to the distance being travled, but if they do show up fair enough I'll sit at the back.
I understand, but I doubt scooters will come, I haven't seen anyone with a scooter post recently, we will only see on the day I guess and it shouldn't ruin anyones day, I will take a slow ride with them to secure my licence during the Welsh run :P , I think 125s would be the lowest cc to come tbh.
yeh i doubt people on 50ccs will come so theres no point worrying about it :P Il be on my 125 but hopefully wont keep you guys waiting too much...
Well put Friz, also I will have problem with travelling up to meet then another time if they want to meet up with a few people... But them travel all the way to clay cross, the all the way to Wales then all the way from Wales home, I don't see that working out well. And there no point having a meet up designed to bring loads of us together, to then split it up and ride in separate groups. We might as well just have completely separate meets. It's fine for some of you to say you don't mind waiting whilst your sat here in front of your computer, but will you really do it when you have to sit at 30-40 whilst everyone else heads off.
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