Big Meet Up In The UK - Signup List

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Swap numbers, roughly know the route, go at your own pace and have a good time. I'm sure the majority are like me, out to have a laugh with some decent likeminded blokes and possibly get some sightseeing done, not become part of a minority that give bikers a bad rep. Simples :D
carlsant1 said:
Overplanning is the ruin of most trips.

It's the safest way when riding in a group. A group of 3 or 4 your theory of roundabouts works yes, but when theres 8, 9 or 10 of us, No.

Most people on this trip will be planning or following others that have, I'm fine with how I get from A - B My sat nav will instruct me. But for others that don't, they need to know whats happening. Otherwise it will just mean them having to be concentrating on where your going rather than enjoying the road or view.
AZZ3R said:
carlsant1 said:
Overplanning is the ruin of most trips.

It's the safest way when riding in a group. A group of 3 or 4 your theory of roundabouts works yes, but when theres 8, 9 or 10 of us, No.

Most people on this trip will be planning or following others that have, I'm fine with how I get from A - B My sat nav will instruct me. But for others that don't, they need to know whats happening. Otherwise it will just mean them having to be concentrating on where your going rather than enjoying the road or view.

Really not trying to be rude, but im not sure your aware the fact im rather experienced with riding in groups, and yes up to and over 10 people, the method works, ive used it and so long as people remember it then nothing goes wrong.

And by the very nature OVERplanning, means doing too much, which by no means could be good in any description of the word.

So long as everyone knows where we are going, then there is no need to plan so much, makes the day less enjoyable because all people will think about is the route and where to turn, and who to look out for, and if they are going fast enough or taking the right line, I digress.

Please dont take this the wrong way im trying to be helpful not cause an argument, but i stand from a rather experienced point of view and would like to think i know what the hell im talking about.
I second carl, we're not going A-B so sat-nav is pointless, unless you want to stop all time to stick in the next village.

Which are best: a ride run to military precision, everyone looking for the next turn, and in perfect little formations.
or, a ride where you all have an ok idea where to go, you get lost once and take the piss out of the leader. You all stick together and meet/ride with people you never had before. You all share the adventure together, and get to the hotel having had an enjoyable day. One that you couldn't have going for a ride out for 20 miles on a sunday with 2 mates.
What ever happens I just want everyone to have a good laugh and make new friends.

For people who don't have sat nav at the moment (like me) just ride with someone who does and enjoy the views and the roads and stay in view of them. We'll get there when we get there's its a fun weekend of riding, not a race haha

No offence btw just wanted to have my opinion out there haha
carlsant1 said:
And by the very nature OVERplanning, means doing too much, which by no means could be good in any description of the word.

So long as everyone knows where we are going.

You have just repeated pretty much everything I've already said.

My first post I said
AZZ3R said:
We let everyone know where we are heading before-hand, incase people do get lost and can use there road knowlage to get them there.

Now I never said anything about over planing, By telling someone where we are heading is just a rough Idea and can change en-route.

carlsant1 said:
makes the day less enjoyable because all people will think about is the route and where to turn, and who to look out for, and if they are going fast enough or taking the right line, I digress.

That is excatly what I said here.

AZZ3R said:
Otherwise it will just mean them having to be concentrating on where your going rather than enjoying the road or view.

carlsant1 said:
Please dont take this the wrong way im trying to be helpful

When trying to be helpful, read the post your responding to rather than jumping in and trying to get your point across. Yes you've rode in a group before I did not dispute the fact you did or didn't. I'm thinking about people coming from longer distances and people without "comms" or 'Satnavs'.

I've also said if theres any problems with peoples' confidence or ability on the road, I will hapliy sit back and ride with them.
SqueakyBreaks12 said:
What ever happens I just want everyone to have a good laugh and make new friends.

For people who don't have sat nav at the moment (like me) just ride with someone who does

Well put, like i said though sat-navs are useless, unless we get completely, hopelessly lost. In the peak we'll have people that know the roads. And in wales we'll have people that have looked at a map and written simple easy to follow intructions for themselves, as well as maps in tank bag.
ok final post on this as this is getting totally out of hand,

You did say overplanning was the safest thing to do on group rides.

I said the "so long as everyone knows where we are going"

not meaning it in the meaning you did, it was a point to try and get across that you do not need to have a "plan" in order to have a group ride.

Oh and if people get lost, you stop... you dont keep on going and meet them there, thats just rude.

Onto your point of all you would be doing is concentrating on the route instead of enjoying the view,


if you cannot do both then i feel you have truly not understood the point of being a rider.

And i have read all the posts in this topic, and understand all of them, please take your own information and read my posts and not just take them as an attack on something you have said, I merely made a point to which you decided you would dismiss as not being useful and i made a counter argument in order to portray the fact i know what im talking about.

PS. The point in this ride is to have fun with other riders and enjoy the day/days, you responding to my first response saying i was wrong and my ideas was not useful goes completely against the whole idea of this trip...

Anyway im done, feel free to talk amongst yourselves
Right, stop the arguing, we'll work it out on the weekend, we'll try all the systems if neccesary, so long as we all know where we're going and ride responsibly then we'll all be fine i'm sure, no need to get pissy about it before we set off! :)
carlsant1 said:
meaning it in the meaning you did, it was a point to try and get across that you do not need to have a "plan" in order to have a group ride

So basicly your whole point of what you said was you didn't understand the meaning in which I put it across to you?

Thats not my problem, If you had replied, did you mean or I don't understand what you mean, you wouldn't have tried to argue half of the same points.

I don't get you, your going back on your own words.

You said.
carlsant1 said:
So long as everyone knows where we are going.

Which is excatly what I said in my orignal post which is a 'FORM of PLANING'. So why you carried on arguing or "trying to get your point across" I don't know please explain it to me.

& you say this
carlsant1 said:
people will think about is the route and where to turn, and who to look out for, and if they are going fast enough or taking the right line, I digress.

& then say this

carlsant1 said:
Onto your point of all you would be doing is concentrating on the route instead of enjoying the view,


^^^ that makes no sense whatsoever. Please tell me where I said your not concentrating on the where your going? Because I'm pretty sure I never said anything about not concentrating on where your going.

Sorry my friend but you've just shot yourself in the foot. You DIDN'T read the post I said.

AZZ3R said:
Otherwise it will just mean them having to be concentrating on where your going rather than enjoying the road or view.
AZZ3R, sorry mate, you're a nice bloke but please take a chill pill and leave it, it's not worth getting angry over it!

So you have cleverly managed to pick out tidbits of information from what i have said in order to make it seem like i am contradicting myself.

If you put everything you have just quoted from me into context you will understand what i mean.

telling people where they are going is a form of planning of which i am not against i strictly said "over planning", i did say that you do not need to have a plan in order to have a group ride.

I said, and i can not stress this enough, OVERplanning was not a good idea, i was not accusing anyone of anything i was merely stating my opinion.

And there is a huge difference between worrying about where you are going and concentrating on where your going, im sure on your ride to work you do not worry about which direction to take but, and i hope this is true, you do concentrate on where your going.

You said, "I'm fine with how I get from A - B My sat nav will instruct me. But for others that don't, they need to know whats happening. Otherwise it will just mean them having to be concentrating on where your going rather than enjoying the road or view."

Implying that it is best for people to enjoy the road or view instead of concentrating on where they are going. If i have taken this the wrong way then i apologize.

My initial post was my advise on how to keep the group intact, i put "overplanning is the ruin of most trips." not as an attack to anyone but as a brief sentence in order to explain my previous findings, if you read this out of context i then i fear i may have to review my literary tendencies.

Enjoy the ride guys, you can take me off the list, i dont fancy doing this meet anymore, and before anyone (naming no names) wishes to do some trolling on how they got the big mean nasty man to shy away, grow up...
POPE5HAT said:
carlsant1 said:
you can take me off the list,

Sure ?, Things will have blown over by Easter time. I can bring Chocolate eggs for everyone to make things better ?!?

yeah dude, i dont hold grudges i just choose to not be around those i feel to be rude and combative especially for long periods of time.

Hope everyone has fun though! cant wait to see the videos that will come from it
We have both miss understood each other, and we are both defending the same thing just in different context, its easy to miss read something and then assume it was that what they meant but they actually meant different.

Now we have both had our BItch Fits at one another and we know what we both mean along with others.

Now dont cut your nose off to spite your face. Come on the meet we'd both be fools not to.

I am sorry if i offended you in anyway.
Like has already been said i think most things could be briefly discussed when we all get there without over complicating :) Somthing like 90% of communication as humans is body language so it's inevitable that people will misunderstand each other and get offended on a forum, it always happens! I'm sure we'll all get on well face to face and have a good laugh.
See this is why you shouldnt use sat navs! This whole thing has come about originally from sat navs!

I'm joking, of course, although I do hate sat navs and wouldnt trust one to take me up the street and back.

Really disappointed that this has happened. Quite upset that Carls not going anymore to be honest.
We'll open a petition to get Carlsant1 back lol

Everyone just use whatever they want to use to get to each meeting point, unless you like me and using road signs and hope lol

Now enough bickering and let's have some fun! Lol ;)
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