What is your next channel goal?

I would like to get as close to 1000 subs as possible before the year is out. That said, I don’t like to set hard targets as if/when I don’t hit them, it can cause me to become disheartened.

My channel is slowly but steadily growing and my videos are well received and I am pretty stoked with that!
Your channel is doing great @P.Outback you should be really proud of how it is going! :-)
@P.Outback I agree with HippoDrone, your channel is doing well and your vids have been fun to watch. Time passes pretty quick watching as well, the sense of humor you bring is one of a kind as well.

@RiderSkill Hope you feel better, I had ruptured disk so I know how much back pain sucks! Rest up for summer!
Well...my current channel goal is to hit 100 subscribers. It is not so easy as i make my vlogs in hungarian language. There is an ongoing motovlogger competition here and i'm in it, but i think i won't make it to the second round unfortunately. First round is an introduction video and if you are in the top 10 (out of 37 competitors) based on your likes on your video by the viewers then you are in the next round.
I'm not that type of guy who spams everyone to like the video...so i have no chance basically in this round. :D
The next round could've boost my channel, but i don't think i get enough likes till tomorrow noon. o_O
Well...my current channel goal is to hit 100 subscribers. It is not so easy as i make my vlogs in hungarian language. There is an ongoing motovlogger competition here and i'm in it, but i think i won't make it to the second round unfortunately. First round is an introduction video and if you are in the top 10 (out of 37 competitors) based on your likes on your video by the viewers then you are in the next round.
I'm not that type of guy who spams everyone to like the video...so i have no chance basically in this round. :D
The next round could've boost my channel, but i don't think i get enough likes till tomorrow noon. o_O
I gave the video a like and comment. I don't speak Hungarian though so didn't really understand what you said in it unfortunately.
I am interested to hear what your next goal, or milestone is for your channel. I'd also love to hear what you are proactively doing to reach it? :)

My next goal is to get half a million views and have set a timeframe to do it before the 1st of September! :)

I'd like to get 1000 subs, I think the trick is to post regularly but I don’t think what I have to say is that riveting so I guess that’s a self defeating prophesy, so I'll see if I can reply to 3 threads and then post a video on my audio set up ;)
I'm aiming to hit 300 subs (21 away!) add more energy to my voice and try to eliminated my speaking tics - 'and um ... ' and so forth. More 'How to' post, I may make some updates to my channel banner and pic as well.

- Wolf
I am interested to hear what your next goal, or milestone is for your channel. I'd also love to hear what you are proactively doing to reach it? :)

My next goal is to get half a million views and have set a timeframe to do it before the 1st of September! :)
Well I didn't make my goal, I am 60k views short. I should reach the 500k views around my 3rd channeversary though at Christmas. I am looking to be hitting 2k subs within the next few weeks though! :cool:

How are you all getting on with your goals? :-)
Well I didn't make my goal, I am 60k views short. I should reach the 500k views around my 3rd channeversary though at Christmas. I am looking to be hitting 2k subs within the next few weeks though! :cool:

How are you all getting on with your goals? :)
You are on your way to reaching those goals.

I was about to say I'm 2 away from 100 subbies, but I just checked and I have 100 subbies:).
No doubt I'll lose a couple by the morning.

I have found time to film a couple of vlogs, but not found time to edit them yet.

One vlog needs to be up very soon to enable continuity. ;) (Oooh, cryptic!)
You are on your way to reaching those goals.

I was about to say I'm 2 away from 100 subbies, but I just checked and I have 100 subbies:).
No doubt I'll lose a couple by the morning.

I have found time to film a couple of vlogs, but not found time to edit them yet.

One vlog needs to be up very soon to enable continuity. ;) (Oooh, cryptic!)
Congrats on the 100 :-) They say the first 100 is the hardest work! :cool:

I look forward to your new vid! :-)

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