Got bored at work. Here are my wacky suggestions:
S: Sarcasm: record an entire vlog where you talk about liking or hating something, but you actually feel the opposite way. Make it obvious through your delivery: "I just LOVE cagers! They ALWAYS look before they change lanes and NEVER use their phones while they drive."
U: Unite: Go on a ride with a buddy or buddies, old or new. Ride somewhere interesting. Dual commentary through SENA or other device encouraged! Talk about why you love riding with others.
N: Negative: what is your least favorite thing (or what are your least favorite things) about riding? What have you done to compensate for or avoid it/them?
N: Nearby: what's the coolest/most unique location you can ride to and get a few shots of your bike? Every community has its weird hidden gems. Let's see some of them.
Y: Y did you get into vlogging (or "Yourself"): A lot of people talk about how they started riding, but I haven't heard many discuss why they decided to start recording their thoughts on posting them on the Internet. Why do you do it? Who inspired you? Why should people watch you?
B: Bet: We establish a challenge that can be completed involving a motorcycle in a safe manner (like Suburban Delinquent's sticker bomb challenge where he competes with a buddy to see who can get three people to put a sticker on their personal property first). This can be either a video where you and a friend compete or you submit a realtime video of you doing the challenge. Yes, people could set things up ahead of time to cheat but let's assume they won't. Fastest or most interesting/creative video wins, depending on the challenge.
E: Emulate: Create a video where you try and duplicate the style or delivery of another vlogger, either in the contest or one of the more high-profile vlogging personalities. How exactly you emulate them is up to you, but people should be able to guess who you're trying to be.
A: Accessories: what are the must-have mods/accessories/gear for either your bike specifically or motorcycling in general? What do you wish you'd known about before you started riding? What's your "essential kit?" That, or accessories or gear for a specific destination or type of trip. How do you pack for moto camping? What do you take on group rides, etc...
R: Review (or Recommend): I like the idea of talking about someone else's video from the challenge and why you liked it. Maybe even encourage people to sub to them. An alternative might be "Represent," where we encourage other vloggers to join the site.