Sunny Bear Is Coming...

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Hey guys, Here are my word ideas:

S: Shout out - Shout out to another motovlogger
U: Useful - Useful mods for your bike and type of riding
N: New Bike - If you could have any new model year bike, what would it be and why?
N: Naive - Naive things have you done as a rider and what would you have wished you'd known when you first got into motorcycling
Y: Year - (this is from a different post, but I liked it.) Talk about a good year for you. More detail the better.

B: Be Safe - talk about how you're safe on the bike and how to help others be safe.
E: Enamor - What enamors you about motorcycles and what got you into motorcycles.
A: Apocalypse - If most of the population were to die today, and all you had was your bike to use for travel, how well (or worse) off would you be?
R: Ride Review - Review something that you own and would recommend to your subscribers.

Any thoughts on these are welcome!
So basically you do a motovlog one per letter correct? Sorry I am new here and just trying to get more involved.
Yup, one video per given topic. Needs to be at least 3 minutes long usually.

Needs to br creative, interesting, fun or thinking completely out the box!
One video per topic or all above topics in one video?

Need to be clear on this one.

Bit of a mission doing 9 separate little videos at 3 minutes each....?
glad to hear your back on ya feet mate! I hope to take part again my self.

S: Selfie. go out and ride to your favorite spot discussing why its your favorite spot and take a selfie of yourself. (with friends bonus points with other vloggers bonus points)
N: Night ride. to a vlog at night and tell a spooky story

You need to update his link
-1 on the Selfie.
I don't want to show my face, kind of like that privacy.
and my camera is on my helmet and I don't own any other cameras.

I'm thinking two things for E. Either "Endurance" or "election"

Endurance-, simple really, show beginning mileage and date and then see how long you go. The more people you can get to go and confine to follow you the whole way the more bonus points you get. Put your leadership and riding skills to the test!

Election- I'd be curious to know how different countries choose their leader, and what the atmosphere is like. Is it like the US where half the country hates each other? Or is it more civil? What do people outside the US think about us having a celebrity for president? Does this affect you and your country? If so, how?

please leave politics out of motovloging.

@Shadowfoot Thanks for reminding me to come back here!
you're the man.
-1 on the Selfie.
I don't want to show my face, kind of like that privacy.
and my camera is on my helmet and I don't own any other cameras.

please leave politics out of motovloging.

@Shadowfoot Thanks for reminding me to come back here!
you're the man.

As far as the Selfie bit goes, I'm not a huge fan of it, but if you don't want to show your face, you could leave your helmet on. It's up to you and I understand the personal preference.

and I 100% agree with the politics
I read my previous post and some of those SUUUUUUCK. I wrote it my first month of Motovlogging. Now that I am finishing out Month number three, I felt I could give some insight lol. jk. But heres some more ideas. I really like the Rookie of the Year thing.

S: Sorry. As bikers it's easy to be pissed at drivers. Tell us about a time you were the asshole on the road and waved sorry.
U: Under/Over. Is it good to plan how you'd try to crash while riding down the freeway (if something happened)?
N: Saying No. When have you had to say NO to riding vs. driving? Why? Wish you'd ridden instead of driven, or vise versa?

B: Bike is Broken. Do you go to a mechanic or do it yourself?
R: Rookie of the year. Whos your favorite new Motovlogger, less than a year old?
Still on, watch this space!

Any folk with final thoughts on suggestions? Anything reslly good we must have, or really bad we shouldn't?

There will be NO politics, oil or tyre vlogs. Probably.
I like these ideas: Night ride, Be safe, Enamor. Also,

S: Start. When and how did you start riding? What is your first bike?

N: Nine thousand dollars. If you have 9000 USD and have to spend it on motorcycle/vlogging stuff, what would you buy. 9000 seems too much though, haha.

A: Achieve. Think about what you have achieved in life, and what you want to achieve in the future. Be positive and encouraging.
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