The Forrest Gump of Motovloggers
Work has shot my trip plans square in the foot. I had a really cool multi day vacation planned in August, touring the waterfalls in northern Wisconsin and the UP. Vacation is effectively canceled. I think this summer is basically shot in the foot. Hell, I have vacation time in my bank left over from last year still that I haven't been able to use, and my entire bank from this year is untouched. I have enough time I could literally take a month off paid... And I can't farking use it.
My wife keeps using my vacation time ... to watch our kids. Like what part of hanging out with the family involves me riding my motorcycle and filming for the dozens of viewers I get on YT??? C'mon, lady! Of course, when I explained this to her, all I got was an eye roll and a free night at the Motel Couch. Joke's on her though, I love our couches!