General Should 50cc Mopeds Exist?

Taiwan has mopeds and calls them all kinds of things (bikes, motorbikes, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds) It all means the same thing. If it's a big motorcycle +125cc+ they call it a big motorcycle. 50cc scooter/mopeds run the city streets all day in Taiwan and they work fine. I think the countries wide spread adoption of bikes/scooters/mopeds also has led to creation of dedicated bike lanes all over the country and further helps in making it a safer place to ride too.
Might as well just buy a cheap engine off ebay and throw it on a bicycle! (It's fun!) lol
Man, in the part of the US where I live - that is the countrified way getting around when a person loses their license.

In urban areas, it is a Chinese made small scooter.

So both serve a purpose.
In my honest opinion I think yes they should exist, as its an easily accessible way of transport for the younger generations to get about with a bit of independence who cant afford to drop hundreds on car lessons and buy a car... How ever.. Due to the general age of people driving these (teenagers in my area) they tend to be reckless and just absolute clangers on the road. The amount of mopeds that have cut me up both in my car and on my bike is unreal. I think they should have a slightly more intense/longer CBT, maybe for 17-20 have a 2 day CBT rather than just the minimum 3 hour road ride they get here at the moment. Would benefit them just as much as all the other road users.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've wanted to chase them down and plant a boot in the side of their mopeds to knock them off after doing something dumb..
In my honest opinion I think yes they should exist, as its an easily accessible way of transport for the younger generations to get about with a bit of independence who cant afford to drop hundreds on car lessons and buy a car... How ever.. Due to the general age of people driving these (teenagers in my area) they tend to be reckless and just absolute clangers on the road. The amount of mopeds that have cut me up both in my car and on my bike is unreal. I think they should have a slightly more intense/longer CBT, maybe for 17-20 have a 2 day CBT rather than just the minimum 3 hour road ride they get here at the moment. Would benefit them just as much as all the other road users.

I've lost count of the amount of times I've wanted to chase them down and plant a boot in the side of their mopeds to knock them off after doing something dumb..

I think chavs will always be chavs no matter the training! :D
So after visiting London and seeing all the 20MPH max roads and traffic jams, my opinion on peds has changed again. In built up places like that, even a 50cc ped is going to be faster than average traffic and beat most traffic to everywhere they need to go. Heck, if I lived in a place like that I’d be tempted to just get a comfortable scooter. ‍♂️ So I guess it all depends on location, etc.
I rode a 125 scooter the other day and it barely hit 50 and now it’s made me re-consider my original opinion. It felt dangerous when going on some roads with some cars right up my backside - maybe 125 should be bare minimum and 50cc to no longer be produced or swapped for an electric equivalent
Why swapped for an electric equivalent, it'll still go the same speed?
I like 50cc bikes, they are a gateway into motorcycling for so many people and at 16, when I first started riding, it gave me a little bit of freedom in what was a pretty shit time for me... I'd hate to take that away from future me's :-)
Why swapped for an electric equivalent, it'll still go the same speed?
I like 50cc bikes, they are a gateway into motorcycling for so many people and at 16, when I first started riding, it gave me a little bit of freedom in what was a pretty shit time for me... I'd hate to take that away from future me's :)
50cc is gateway bike?

Uh-oh. We better watch out for the children...

Why swapped for an electric equivalent, it'll still go the same speed?
I like 50cc bikes, they are a gateway into motorcycling for so many people and at 16, when I first started riding, it gave me a little bit of freedom in what was a pretty shit time for me... I'd hate to take that away from future me's :)
Out of interest, have you ever thought about trying to get a model similar to your original 50cc as a project bike? Could be an amazing idea for a small series

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