Share A Noobie Vlogging Tip!!

I've been watching a few noobies of late and here is the biggest bit of advice I can give you.

If you're new to riding, DO NOT MOTOVLOG.

Seriously learn how to ride before trying to speak into the mic.

I'm not saying don't have the camera rolling, because if you stack it will make a good vid. Just be wary you may not have the skills to concentrate on riding and speak about something else at the same time.
I would say look at both audio and video as i have got a Gopro but don't have audio figured out yet so at this stage my riding videos have music over the top of them as the wind noise form the gopro is rubbish
CUSTOM THUMBNAILS i recently figured this out within the past month or two. Make whatever thumbnail you want, it doesnt have to be in your video, that way you have something attractive on the right side playlist. go beyond your title, put in a caption, etc. draw them in. but NO CLICKBAIT im so tired of that crap.
Isn't putting a thumbnail that's not part of the video sort of click-baiting?

But anyway, hell no to click-bait, if you like to click-bait and I get duped by it, I'll un-sub you immediately.
I don't think it's clickbait, look here's an example of a thumbnail i used. It kinda just shows what's in the video and titles it..


  • 435p9o348jlkdsjf.jpg
    1.8 MB · Views: 319
yea, maybe if its like a picture of tits or something totally unrelated, but you can put a quote, or your title on the thumbnail much bigger, and that way you dont have to use whatever thumbnail youtube recommends. so i just take a screenshot from my video, put a caption on it thats big and bold, and upload that. def not clickbait
yea, maybe if its like a picture of tits or something totally unrelated, but you can put a quote, or your title on the thumbnail much bigger, and that way you dont have to use whatever thumbnail youtube recommends. so i just take a screenshot from my video, put a caption on it thats big and bold, and upload that. def not clickbait

I always screenshot the most interesting bit and put some captions on it. That way I'm never clickbaiting.
God I hate clickbait videos. If something remotely looks like clickbait, I won't click the video.

Few Tips.....

Don't copy The "Big Boys" videos... As in dont do a daily observations video or similar popular videos or viral ones....
(Make your own content and OWN it!)

Up to you but don't do a "Face reveal" at a certain time....

Do not worry about subscriber count just yet....
Too many new motovloggers seem to only worry about how many subs they have...
(Am I the only one who doesnt really care??)

This one is a biggie for me and its riding standard.
I don't expect police or instructor standard, but a low level of riding puts me off videos,
even more so when its the riders fault and they're blaming other road users for their mistake....

Few Tips.....

This one is a biggie for me and its riding standard.
I don't expect police or instructor standard, but a low level of riding puts me off videos,
even more so when its the riders fault and they're blaming other road users for their mistake....

Yep, that is also a tip where I can concur.
I hate seeing motovloggers swearing, raging, flipping off people when it's the riders mistake.
Example: Rev Bomb: Speeding, flipping off people that can't see him because he rides in their blind spot, all that bullshit.
I sometimes ride like him, but at slower speeds because I do love my life.
Not so much as advice as what's a turn off. It's what makes me decide not to sub or to watch watching a video

* Squid behavior doesn't make for a good motovlog. At least it doesn't for me.

* Constant Negative attitudes as the only gear the motovlogger is in.

* Repeating the same content. Being a one trick pony won't go far. There are a lot of crash and fail videos out there, but if that's all a motovlogger does I'm not interested.

* Promoting illegal activity - running from the cops, harassing people, drivers or riders, to trespassing. It happens with riders, maybe even unintentionally, but I'm not into subbing, or supporting any activity that could inspire others to do something stupid, or lead to injuries or worse.

I'm sure there are more, but can't think of any. Maybe at 3 am this morning.

- Wuf
Here's my tip for the day.

However much storage space you have, weather its SD cards or Hard drive space, its not enough.
Well that's very encouraging considering I made 4 video's and my hard drive is already full :p:rolleyes:
I have limited storage :(, I tend to keep the original content for no more than a week after I put the video up. Also I check it for interesting bits like stupid driving (for future compilations). The 64gb card is enough for me, but my pc storage. Hell no.
I'm on hard drive #12, but it's not all from motovlogging. The prices have dropped for storage and for the first time I'm using a 2 TB HD.
If I go 2 - 4 K in the future I'll need it.

There's also the option of uploading work to a cloud, or even Google drive.

- Wuf

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