Share A Noobie Vlogging Tip!!

There's only so many ways to reinvent the wheel. I think people just need to get out there and record and do their own thing... if they have a naturally addictive personality, plus are interesting with it, they'll get noticed, people will subscribe and come back for more.

I see a number of (copy cat) channels now where they've used animated cartoon style faces imposed over the video (usually near the bottom / corner), to indicate the riders mindset, in sync with what's happening in the video. Some viewers might like this, as cute, while for the rest it becomes a (childish) irritation. :D :rolleyes:

I tend to agree. Everything that can be done in terms of innovation of motovlogging has been done in my opinion.

Multiple camera angles? Check
Drone footage? Check
Dual vlogs? Check
Off road? Check
Wheelies and stunting? Check
Long road trips? Check
Animation and graphics as you mentioned? Check
Stupid driver videos? Check
And the list goes on

I think it all comes down to the entertainment you provide while riding, your personality, and your overall content in general.

I think getting noticed is just a lot of luck. Gotta keep on keeping on.
My noobie tip:

Make sure your SD card is in the camera and not on your desk. I've wasted a ride doing this haha

Definitely extra batteries too
Hahaha damn you, made me laugh so i woke my gf up :p
.....Kinda done that too :( and once put it in wrong so it ended up flashing "MEDIA" over the camera display without me noticing ;(

also hate when you press stop "but didnt record and it starts recording".... i sound bad when trying to sing to myself :D
I tend to agree. Everything that can be done in terms of innovation of motovlogging has been done in my opinion.

Multiple camera angles? Check
Drone footage? Check
Dual vlogs? Check
Off road? Check
Wheelies and stunting? Check
Long road trips? Check
Animation and graphics as you mentioned? Check
Stupid driver videos? Check
And the list goes on

I think it all comes down to the entertainment you provide while riding, your personality, and your overall content in general.

I think getting noticed is just a lot of luck. Gotta keep on keeping on.
multuple drones on "follow hoover" mode while doing a wheelie on dirt bike offroading on a long trip with animations playing sometimes in the background and suddently a redneck appears on his offroad truck banging into a tree... while you dual vlog with your friend ;) that video would blow the list :D
don't be afraid to use minimal equipment and screw up.
just have fun with it.
if something ain't working for YOU change it.
enjoy the ride.
multuple drones on "follow hoover" mode while doing a wheelie on dirt bike offroading on a long trip with animations playing sometimes in the background and suddently a redneck appears on his offroad truck banging into a tree... while you dual vlog with your friend ;) that video would blow the list :D

I mean if you could pull that off you would be a legend hahaha
My noobie tip:

Make sure your SD card is in the camera and not on your desk. I've wasted a ride doing this haha

Definitely extra batteries too

How is that possible? The Camera would complain there's no inserted memory card to record to? It'll flash lights or put up a message surely? As soon as you press the RECORD button?

Following on from the above though, ensure you don't go out with a FULL memory card! It might start overwriting the oldest videos (circular recording), or you might only get a small part of your Ride recorded, as it stops, out of storage space. GRRRRRRR !!

EDIT: I have the opposite problem, I go out with an empty memory card and the Mobius camera just turns itself off whenever it feels like it (junk)! :mad: But I AM a motovlogging n00b! Plan to get a "proper" Camera soon. ;)
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How is that possible? The Camera would complain there's no inserted memory card to record to? It'll flash lights or put up a message surely? As soon as you press the RECORD button?

I never checked and couldnt hear any beeps etc, just pressed record and set off
I recorded a vlog this morning and as soon as I said goodbye not 3 seconds later the card ran full and stopped. Like a boss!
It is interesting how many people make a name that consists of their bike. I have owned so many different bikes and still have 2 bikes. You will not have that bike forever.. lol
don't be afraid to use minimal equipment and screw up.
just have fun with it.
if something ain't working for YOU change it.
enjoy the ride.
I have only been recording rides for about a month and I have tinkered with several different ways of making videos. It comes down to what you figure out works for you. :)
I have only been recording rides for about a month and I have tinkered with several different ways of making videos. It comes down to what you figure out works for you. :)
Yeah same as me almost. still trying new things to get the "perfect" setup. kinda like the setup i have now but agree with what you said, everyone fins their way of making videos ;)
I'm still waiting for the mic I ordered to arrive, but in the meantime I tried recording audio with my iPhone in my pocket and the earbuds that come with it stuffed into the chin area of my helmet. It's not top quality sound, but it worked! My voice is perfectly audible, even at highway speeds, and the exhaust noise is just the right background volume too. I ended up getting my first actual motovlog post out of what was supposed to be nothing more than a test video. Don't be afraid to experiment and try using what you already have before investing big money in new equipment.
This probably won't help anyone but just in case...

Make vlogs for yourself.

By that I mean, don't worry what other people will think of them. Just do it to record your journey or thoughts so you can keep them for when you are old and want to re-live this great time.

You will either get interest from others or not. It doesn't matter at the end of the day because you will always have the videos to enjoy later.

(If you want to be rich and famous then don't do motovlogs)
This is great advice , I always feel like man this isn't very interesting but I should make videos for myself and not cause I want to just make things for people but sharing instead . Thanks for the great advice .
Do your research before starting... watch several different motovloggers. Think about what you're going to talk about, what you're going to do, and how you're going to distinguish yourself and make your mark on the community.
I'll keep this simple but I want to build a list of vlogging tips for the noobs!

As you may have guessed, I see more vlogs than most people because of this site and this is my biggest tip and most people still do it!

Don't name your channel after the brand of your bike!!!

Most people chop and change, we crash, stolen, sell and most don't every get the same bike again. Here, I will change your username but on places like Youtube, you can't change custom URLS etc

You could then lose followers and all sorts as your channel name turns into something completely unrelated

Post your tip below
How do you feel about the TYPE of bike, not the brand. I just got my sportster, and probably wont get another bike any time soon but I do plan on getting another type of motorcycle, probs a street bike.

My youtube channel name is SportsterDawg. Is this an early mistake?
My youtube channel name is SportsterDawg. Is this an early mistake?

Nope! If you named it GSXRDawg or NinjaDawg then wound up selling your GSXR or Ninja, that's where you'd run into an issue. If you plan on having a Sportbike and establish yourself as that type of rider, then you happen to buy another bike or two of a different type along the way, I think that's perfectly fine!
Im brand new but what i've picked up is its always great to network with locals and feature each other.
Shout people out, leave links on screen or in the description!

Don't be negative ! Negativity spreads like a disease, who cares if you actually hate the guy.. keep it to yourself no reason to stir up drama over a youtube video..

Also, since I'm new, I try to practice my dialogue even when I'm not filming, whenever I ride my bike now I just try and narrate and work on my speaking ( because it sucks )

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