The torque wrench is what he doesn't have Ronin ...... But NEEDS!! .... Beg/borrow/buy/steal? one Beyond46 .... Not critical everywhere on the bike .... But some things you don't want too loose OR too tight!
I'm not a mech expert .. But I've done my forks once and helped a few mates with theirs....
What I was told is this .... Forks into top clamps and nip up but not hard - just to hold enough ...
Nip lower clamps .... Slide axle and wheel in - MAKING SURE you have cleared the brake pistons back into their housing! ...
Rotate wheel to make sure free spin ... Fork brace if you have one and nip up ...Tighten axle bolt and lock bolt more ... Spin wheel ...
Make sure forks are at right level in top clamp and tighten up... Lower clamp and fork brace tighten ... Spin wheel ... Stop and look around to make sure you have all required clamps and brackets for brake lines etc installed AND you don't have any spare bolts!! ....
Front wheel onto floor and move it back and forth and turn bars to make sure all is smooth ... Pump your brakes to seat the pads - bleed brakes if needed .... Make sure everything is looking/feeling normal ... Back up onto stand and TORQUE wrench (that you understand the use of!) the bolts that require torquing ....
If you don't have a manual in your possession then usually SOMEONE online can at least provide the correct values you need...
A proper mechanic might not do it this way .... But the mechanic that told me to do it this way was making sure that
MY novice skill levels had failsafes built into the process!
..... Torque Wrench and good quality tools (don't have to have every tool ever made!! But make sure the ones you have are worthy!) and really a workshop manual ...... Oh and definitely a milk crate to sit on beside the bike!
And a multimeter... Air gauge ... Enough rags for spills and hands .... Etc etc