New Top Posters Reward - Beta

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Okay I admit it has a competitive element to it! But I think as long as you post good constructive feedback or honest responses, Not just, 'cool' or something like that. shouldn't be an issue if people want to post 300 a month! >:)
I think the spam threads shouldn't be included in this post count thingy. By that I mean the weird counting with pictures etc threads.
Is it worth limiting the number of times the top poster can be featured, say once a quarter?

I'm just thinking that I'm a huge forum user and I don't want to encroach on other active members just because I have less of a life than them.

Just a thought on a way to share the love around (giggity).
Maybe there should be some kind of minimum word filter too?!

To weed out the "Cool", "Green", "Purple Monkey Dishwasher" replies and keep it to constructive, information sharing posts?! :D
I'd agree with that, but I imagine it's a lot of effort and unless this initiative causes a problem I don't think anything should be changed.

Some short responses are valid such as answers to direct questions.
HA HA! I'm so funny!

Yeah, it's true. We could go backwards and forwards with suggested rules and ways to make it fair. But all that will happen is that we'll suck the life out of the experience!

I'm not too bothered about getting the top spot. I'm here to interact and share, so I'm getting plenty out of it. And hopefully I'm putting as much back in.

TBH, and I might be saying too much, I haven't actually watched the featured video. But I have watched LOADS of the other videos which I'm seeing in posts and discussions.
Thats a good idea. It'll be interesting to see, and more scientific to use a video where the views have 'settled'.

Thanks for your comment on the €uro tour trailer video too! :D
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