
I have binned so many CarVlogs it's not even funny. Not because I was nervous, but more because I was not making any sense at all.

On the nervous part, I never had that issue with cameras myself. And the great thing is, no one has to see the footage if you think it's totally crap. It will fade for sure and become second nature. When I first started driving with an on board camera I felt odd, but now I can't even leave home without having a camera rolling!
...or just don't say anything and let the pictures do the talking ;) (some people are made to perform for audiences and some aren't I've been told :p ~).....


Oops, caps. Can't be bothered to redo. Much like my editing - if it isn't good enough in one go, it just gets canned or stays
Hey man I'm just starting and running into the same issues so don't stress. I find doing it in segments is helping me get going.
I've only done 7 videos and I can't tell you how many times I've done multiple takes of a rant. You can edit takes together if you give yourself some editing room while talking. It all comes with practice I'm guessing. I'm still figuring it out as well.

My suggestion is watch a lot of motovlogs try what other people are doing if it works for you and you enjoy it keep doing it. Somewhere along the way you'll find your voice, but don't be afraid to try things and be safe. :)
Honestly too, when you are not on your bike (in your car, sitting on your couch etc) just talk to yourself and tell stories. Its helped me flow a lot better and now i just let the content flow unscripted which has made for some funny events. Talking to myself in a non vlogger situation has certainly made me a better vlogger for sure!
I tend towards the editing side of things myself. I ride around and talk, or ride or whatever with no real plan. Alot of times i come home with 4 hours of footage and I can make two or three videos that look totally different.
You kind of have to just find what works for you. Im not much of a script kind of guy, but you might do better with one. Or not .So justtry different methods until you find your flow. As for being nervous, i film like i am making a video for a friend and speak directly to them. Makes the videos seem a little more personal too
I think it's common. I just recently did the overall intro to my channel, which was effectively a motovlog, and I had to actually repeat all of what I wanted to say 3 times and then do some editing magic to make it seem coherent. I still have the 'like, uh, umm' issue, and when I caught myself doing that I would just pause (so I could find it in the edit) and then restart. I don't know if I'll ever get to the point where I'm a one-take kind of guy, I'm a little bit too much of a perfectionist haha
Honestly, when in doubt, just talk as much as possible. It's better to know you have like an hour's worth of footage to edit down to 5-10 minutes of the most brilliant stuff. I always think I'm saying dumb stuff when I'm riding but I still try and just keep talking and commenting on things I see, even after I've finished my "topic" for the video. I've even had enough extra crap to cut another video on a couple occasions.

Hemingway said "I write one page of masterpiece to ninety-one pages of shit. I try to put the shit in the wastebasket." I figure more I talk, the closer I get to my next "one page of masterpiece." I can edit out the other 91 "pages."
Nerves are just part of the game. Admitting it is fine too. I tend to think of a topic that I'll sleep on for a few days, or just remember key points that I want to make. Then I just start talking them once I'm riding.

Keep in mind I'll talk about things that are on topic, and things that are off topic. In editing I log my footage and then think I might edit them out all the off topic banter, until I realize I had a good segue back to the topic at hand. Or that (if I'm lucky) something's funny. Also, think about using B-roll footage as a cut away if you have a mistake in what you're saying, or how you say it. Having something else you can cut to is great because you can lay the narrative track/take you prefer over it, then back to your main footage.

- Wuf
Thanks to years of recording in my own studio, I've gotten used to the sound of my own voice.

I can accept some ums, uhs and likes, as long as it's not overwhelming. There's natural sounding and then there is clumsy sounding.

I'm really trying to reduce my repeats and ums, but a few hear and there are not going to hurt you.

I do my best to avoid jump cuts, they kind of irritate me, and I feel it takes away from the authenticity a bit...though if well done they can add to a video.

I love little asides and off topic comments.

One thing I'm terrible at though is hanging on an idea and leaving it unfinished and never returning to it and I really need to address it.

I think I will find it useful to maybe have bullet points, that way if I feel stuck I can just look at a list and be like "hey, I can talk about that"
I run training sessions where I work, this little clip was taken from a 3 hour session I filmed myself to see what I could learn to improve my technique....

(it is unlisted and not even from my motovlog channel so please don't think of this as self publicising, it is just an example of how to or rather how not to do things) :D
I run training sessions where I work, this little clip was taken from a 3 hour session I filmed myself to see what I could learn to improve my technique....

(it is unlisted and not even from my motovlog channel so please don't think of this as self publicising, it is just an example of how to or rather how not to do things) :D

It's encouraging to know that I'm not the only ummer around.
I find more fault at my lack of articulation. I've even looked up websites on acting/speaking exercises. Plus, it doesn't help that I have a nasally voice and a deviated septum :( .

- Wuf
I find more fault at my lack of articulation. I've even looked up websites on acting/speaking exercises. Plus, it doesn't help that I have a nasally voice and a deviated septum :( .

- Wuf
Not that nasally, no worse than say SpaceP0d or anyone else right?

I don't think anyone likes hearing their voice, it's always so jarring because we hear it the way others hear it. Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to have others hear our voices the way we do.
Not that nasally, no worse than say SpaceP0d or anyone else right?

I don't think anyone likes hearing their voice, it's always so jarring because we hear it the way others hear it. Unfortunately I don't think there's a way to have others hear our voices the way we do.
Wouldn't that be bloomin epic if we could though!

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