Harley Davidson - Head Hoggers Makes Shifter Stock Bushing Removal and Installation EASY | My first how to in a while

I like the angle. Clear as to what you're doing for sure.

I had seen others use stationary mounts for this work and either their head got in the way of the camera or there was not a good view down into where all the work was going on.

I have seen a couple of auto mechanics use a handheld point view but then they inevitably have to put the camera down or comment how hard the work is to do with one hand.

One problem was everything is black downing that spot. I had the light diffuser on so as to not glint off the chrome parts too much.

The other problem is I still had to zoom in on editing even at linear or narrow view.

I did keep all the ratchet turns that got cut. I might save those in a file and make a compilation video at the end of the year. :)

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