Wannabie Member
johnscarbrough said:I just go through post and got a pretty good idea about this concern which was totally unknown to me.Now i feel great interest on this.
Well I hope you and your bicycle enjoy the 4000 mile journey.
johnscarbrough said:I just go through post and got a pretty good idea about this concern which was totally unknown to me.Now i feel great interest on this.
SqueakyBreaks12 said:I have no idea who anyone is, but I'll need someone to bunk with haha obvs want to save as much money as possible the fuel will cost enough haha
SqueakyBreaks12 said:I have no idea who anyone is, but I'll need someone to bunk with haha obvs want to save as much money as possible the fuel will cost enough haha
Chessecake94 said:For example I wouldnt share with Chucke85 because he has a STD, and likes to spread it to other motovloggers.
Chessecake94 said:For example I wouldnt share with Chucke85 because he has a STD, and likes to spread it to other motovloggers.
carlsant1 said:not really sure who is arranging it?
Chessecake94 said:THE CURRENT PLAN
The current plan is meet at CMC on Saturday at 12-1. Ride through in the peaks, ending up at the Northwich travel lodge shown above and staying there overnight. Sunday ride past chester, into north wales. Ride in wales ending up on the welsh english border, staying at shrewbury travel lodge shown above. Monday we go our seperate ways, because shrewsbury is near birmingham you then have easy access to the M6, M40, M1 and so on.
Its pretty much as AZZ3R said, everyone has thrown in idea's, i've tried to keep order, and this is what we've come up with. May i suggest some of those that live near the peaks sort out the route for that day as they know the area. And i'll look at the day in wales, suggestions from everyone are naturally welcome.
carlsant1 said:Hey, anyone who is coming add me on skype (carlsant1)
would be cool to get to know you before the meet!
SqueakyBreaks12 said:carlsant1 said:Hey, anyone who is coming add me on skype (carlsant1)
would be cool to get to know you before the meet!
i haven't got skype but do you have an iPhone or Android?
I have Fring which the same as skype but it dont cost a thing to call abroad and you can have up to 4 people talking at the same time.
I highley recommend this for everyone.
(Off subject i know but i just wanted to get it out there haha)