Another Set Of Eyes - Want Feedback Of Your Vlog?

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I think I should have explained my point a bit better. Basically, what I was trying to get across is if someone posts up with less than 24hrs before their vlog goes public that person would have to accept that they might not get much if any feedback. Where-as if someone gives a week for critique that allows for more people to give input. And I wouldn't have any expectation that in order to join someone would have this impact their life. This is why at least to begin with I would like to keep it a small group. That way if the requirement is feedback on 50% of posted videos and there are 5-8 people with a max of 10 min vlogs you would only have to make a 30-40 min commitment a week. And I feel that is reasonable. I'm busy with a new job and recently moved so I don't have tons of time but I would like to help others as well as receive good feedback as well. Hope that clears up a few things.

This is how I understood it as well.

If we keep the group small, the it's completely understandable that there might not be much feedback. Before I do any work in the morning I watch a video or two while I have my coffee just to get myself towards myself. In this time I could watch a vlog or two and give feedback. This way I don't end up in the weird places on YouTube and I can give some constructive feedback to somebody. Win-Win ;)
This is how I understood it as well.

If we keep the group small, the it's completely understandable that there might not be much feedback. Before I do any work in the morning I watch a video or two while I have my coffee just to get myself towards myself. In this time I could watch a vlog or two and give feedback. This way I don't end up in the weird places on YouTube and I can give some constructive feedback to somebody. Win-Win ;)

The only way to know is to try it; put up an unlisted video on youtube, email a small group; wait 24 hours for feedback, edit, reupload...

As Arnie once said: "Come on! What are you waiting for?!" and proceeds to get punched in the face by an extra-terrestrial on roids...
The only way to know is to try it; put up an unlisted video on youtube, email a small group; wait 24 hours for feedback, edit, reupload...

As Arnie once said: "Come on! What are you waiting for?!" and proceeds to get punched in the face by an extra-terrestrial on roids...

My edit isn't nearly finished :eek: but I'd prefer to do this without the punching part :D
It sounds like a good idea, but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth it. Say you guys work something like this out and people start putting their vids up for review, these "reviewers" are the same audience your video would be reaching if you straight uploaded the vid to YouTube. Meaning that the YouTube comment section already serves as a review section for your vid ... sort of.
It sounds like a good idea, but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth it. Say you guys work something like this out and people start putting their vids up for review, these "reviewers" are the same audience your video would be reaching if you straight uploaded the vid to YouTube. Meaning that the YouTube comment section already serves as a review section for your vid ... sort of.

This will more of a advice section than a review. I've got few subs that are on this forum, so my videos that will be critiqued here will be seen by only a handful of my subs (I'm talking 3 or 4 vs 65).

Then again, you might be right and this section doesn't work out. If it so happens then we can remove it ;)

Think of this proposed section as more of an advice or 'test screening' section before you upload, rather than a review. Whereas the YT comments section can be seen as critique for future uploads.
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Something like this should only be used to offer advice and camera setups and editing. Which there are already areas for. I say keep the other comments to YouTube who needs extra trolls here. Unless you can select who you want to view your videos it could end badly. I'd hate to see that.

I guess the question is who's opinion do you value more another vlogers or your subs?
It sounds like a good idea, but I'm not entirely sure if it's worth it. Say you guys work something like this out and people start putting their vids up for review, these "reviewers" are the same audience your video would be reaching if you straight uploaded the vid to YouTube. Meaning that the YouTube comment section already serves as a review section for your vid ... sort of.

Something like this should only be used to offer advice and camera setups and editing. Which there are already areas for. I say keep the other comments to YouTube who needs extra trolls here. Unless you can select who you want to view your videos it could end badly. I'd hate to see that.

I guess the question is who's opinion do you value more another vlogers or your subs?

I can understand where both of you are coming from. And I know this won't be for everyone and that's cool. For me however, I'm looking for feedback. And not just the random commenter on youtube. Even here I haven't received much feedback. And I get it, there are tons of vlogs being put up weekly and it would be impractical to watch and comment on them all. So by doing it this way it breaks it down to a manageable amount, where hopefully, more constructive discussions can be had. Also by keeping the groups small, ideally you would build a rapport with the other members and critique would come from more of a friend rather than just some internet dude. Trolling I see as a non-issue.
I can understand where both of you are coming from. And I know this won't be for everyone and that's cool. For me however, I'm looking for feedback. And not just the random commenter on youtube. Even here I haven't received much feedback. And I get it, there are tons of vlogs being put up weekly and it would be impractical to watch and comment on them all. So by doing it this way it breaks it down to a manageable amount, where hopefully, more constructive discussions can be had. Also by keeping the groups small, ideally you would build a rapport with the other members and critique would come from more of a friend rather than just some internet dude. Trolling I see as a non-issue.

I couldn't have said it better myself ;)
Yeah, commenters have their place, but this is different ... it's a specific call for critique. The expectation would be for people to tell you how to make your work better.
Certainly see some benefits on this idea.

And you will end up with a group off people who will give advice and post stuff themself in the end.
Huge time commitment for those that are reviewing. I'd love to help, however I don't think i can commit the time.
The more I think about it I feel it should be kept to when you want to try something different.

So when you want to do something out of the normal to what people normally see post it up if your scared of the change.
The more I think about it I feel it should be kept to when you want to try something different.

So when you want to do something out of the normal to what people normally see post it up if your scared of the change.

Good point
The core idea is good, however, takes extra time & effort because of the waiting for feedback, re-editing, etc. Good for the community, but for myself personally, I feel in the long run it has a high tendency to burn out because of the demand it needs, uploaders need to make videos, and wait for feedback, reviewers need time to view the videos and give feedback while at the same time wait for others to review their stuff, then make the suggested changes and re-upload. The cycle needs a lot of support all around to keep the momentum going.

I think you get my point there. All the best in this project guys!
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