The "What Did You Do Today" Thread....

Ahh mate, that is not good to hear. Hope it is an easier fix than the muscle car!
Man that muscle car vs. deer was a nightmare. Learned a couple of lessons:

1. I have Progressive Insurance and been with them over 20 years. The muscle car went to a dealership (out of network) shop. BIG MISTAKE. See my channel videos on that one.

2. Expect the shops will be months before they can repair. Thus one won't start until March 11.

3. ALWAYS look at the body shop from Google maps satellite view. Look for how much room they have to park vehicles. Then expect it to be twice as full as the pictures show. If there is not enough room imagining that then go elsewhere.

Now being former law enforcement, I know it is crucial to capture photos ASAP after a crash and say nothing that might admit fault. When this joker hit me he hiked back from where he finally stopped. First thing he asked was I ok and next was to accuse me of stopping in the middle of the road. In a firm tone I explained he was wrong. I was turning around that turn around spot. Hence the gravel area with turn around Mark's and no grass growing on it. Plus I had my turn signal on. So he needed to go back and sit in his truck as I had already called 911.

For you sharp eyed folks this picture shows that his truck hit me AFTER I was mid turn because there is brownish marks from his tire rotating as it passed against my bumper and the tear has jagged edges going to the right side of the car.

Glad you're OK enough to post this!

Me too. My wife is still wondering why I am not in pain from being hit enough to send the car off road and spun.

After the bike got rearended at a stop light I had no pain for about a week and then only my neck making cracking sounds when looking down.

It was months before the left shoulder started having adhesive capsulitis. Still get hard to do a full arm raise.

Me too. My wife is still wondering why I am not in pain from being hit enough to send the car off road and spun.

After the bike got rearended at a stop light I had no pain for about a week and then only my neck making cracking sounds when looking down.

It was months before the left shoulder started having adhesive capsulitis. Still get hard to do a full arm raise.

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Yep, those delayed responses. I'm convinced that at least half of my daily aches and pains can be attributed to car accidents in my 20s.

Go get checked out!

I got confirmation I have an irresistible rear end!
(My car is the white one and the fanatic is the truck about 50-75 meters off to the right)
Have you ever thought you drive too much? How many km do you need to cover every year, to get in to many accidents. As in more than one. The cost on fuel alone must be colossal.
Have you ever thought you drive too much? How many km do you need to cover every year, to get in to many accidents. As in more than one. The cost on fuel alone must be colossal.
:D. Since the pandemic I don't put as many miles on my vehicles as a I used to because I work from home. Before the pandemic I was commuting at least 350 miles a week with most on two wheels. That gives more reason for long rides on days off and even some good weekend trips on the bike now.

Unfortunately I live in a fairly closed minded rural community as far as public transportation goes. There is a rail line about 10 miles from my house but it only hauls some infrequent loads of freight because the local government does have interest in upgrading the rail line to be safe enough for commuter trains. So since I am too good looking to pass for a hobo I am out of luck plus those rail workers hit pretty hard.

Plus side of working from home is I get two extra hours a day back, I can listen to motovlogs, listen to music, edit on slow days, and practice guitar on really slow days or when stressed a little.

I still dress for the office just in case I need to be on camera (wouldn't want my fans at work to be let down).

So now when I am out I have to watch my rear.o_O
Yep, those delayed responses. I'm convinced that at least half of my daily aches and pains can be attributed to car accidents in my 20s.

Go get checked out!

Yeah I might. I slept like crud last night due to vivid dreaming. I was bright eyed and bushy tailed at 3 am which is two hours before my alarm.

As far as aches, today is the same as any other day on the pain level.
Dreams sure can be a pain of their own. When my ex crashed in front of me, while I was giving her riding lessons, I could not get a good sleep in for several nights. Even though she was absolutely fine, just few bruises, which is amazing, considering the bike had to be scrapped, I kept playing the accident "footage" in my head every night, as soon as the sleep was deep enough.
Dreams sure can be a pain of their own. When my ex crashed in front of me, while I was giving her riding lessons, I could not get a good sleep in for several nights. Even though she was absolutely fine, just few bruises, which is amazing, considering the bike had to be scrapped, I kept playing the accident "footage" in my head every night, as soon as the sleep was deep enough.
I am sorry to hear of the crash, how it affected you, and that relationship did not work out.
I've bit the bullett, I'm dipping my toes in the adv bike style. Now I live in salisbury, with the plains on my door step I've just ordered a Sinnis Terrain haha, a little cheap and cheerful thing to go explore the green lanes on!

Now I need a new helmet as I think riding about with a ruroc street while green laning will look a little bizarre!
Road helmets get a bit warm too when on the trails. Congrats on the new (to you) bike. I def recommend joining the TRF if you want to go green laning, gives you access to their Green Road Map, which shows you all the legal trails in the UK so you don't risk riding where you shouldn't :-)
Today, I retrieved 7 of the 8 parts of my new RAM , mirror based camera mount that fell into the engine bay of my bike almost a week ago, and upset me so much I eventually had to just walk away :rolleyes:
At the time, none of the 8 bits came out (FML).

The last bit, in there somewhere, is a really tiny nut (I am a really tall one...)
Considering turning the bike upside down... a complete dis-assemble of the bike seems to be the less attractive option.

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