Today I messed up... I made the mistake of reading the instructions and following them.
I tried to fit some heated grips I got in a sale to my new Suzuki, they were £50 off, so I happily paid £150 for them... I followed the instructions which insisted I used the glue they supplied and ended up with one of them half on half off glued solid in place... didn't even try to fit the other one, had to get the grinder out to cut it off the bar.... Thankfully my local bike shop did a price match, so I got another set, so now I am £300 down, they also told me to use a different glue, so got some of that for another £15 and had another go... still couldn't get them on, so have booked the bike in at a local back street garage where they will probably charge me another £50-£100 to fit them for me...
Lesson learned, just buy the factory grips which were "only" £350 in the future LOL