Hey there,
I am new to the site and not a true vlogger.
I built an app called Crew Relay Chat, which does a couple of things for us riders, and runs on Android and iOS.
#1 a voice chat via your phone, no pairing required, and uses any bluetooth headset.
Inviting friends to join is simple (QRCode, airdrop/nearby share, bluetooth,...)
#2 see where your group is on the map (with breadcrumbs so you also see how they got where they are)
#3 use phone wifi/bluetooth to work offline (very limited without additional hardware)
Cardo beat me to it, but I am adding the feature to record audio from the voice chat directly on your phone. It captures your group audio, assuming everyone is running the app. So today it won't work if you do not have any cell coverage. The app also records any ride as a GPX file.
Do you guys care about the audio codec?
I currently use opus/ogg (which is how I wrote the voice comm) and the quality is better than mp3, but still quality is limited to what audio you can get from the Bluetooth microphone (HFP) which is what Cardo uses anyway.
I save both the local microphone and remote speakers in a single file. Since the original goal was voice chat, the audio mic input is filtered to extract only the voice when speaking. I can either record that OR the full mic input which will have much more noise.
Would you rather have the filtered version, the unfiltered version, or an option to choose?
Also, when a user starts recording, the app will notify all riders about the recording, with a flashing red dot on screen (for the updated versions), and an audio notification ("This ride is being recorded by XXX"), either when recording starts, or when joining the ride, for all versions.
What else would make it easy for motovlogging?
Voice commands are not available today. Would that help?
Curious about your input.
I can share links to the beta version once recording is available.