What is your next channel goal?

I am currently on the right side of 300000 views, my next thing will be 500000
2k subs would be nice!

I'm so far from 1k that it's not useful yet for me to think in terms of viewers and views. My goals right now are more around consistency. I need to work on consistency of quality (including my $#@! audio levels*), cadence (maybe one per week is a good starter target), and content (my content topics have been all over the place). I figure if I can get those down, then the audience will trickle in on its own.

* That audio level rant was prompted, in part, by my audio recorder, which has a gain knob that keeps getting bumped when I'm recording. Time to resort to electrical tape...

I'm so far from 1k that it's not useful yet for me to think in terms of viewers and views. My goals right now are more around consistency. I need to work on consistency of quality (including my $#@! audio levels*), cadence (maybe one per week is a good starter target), and content (my content topics have been all over the place). I figure if I can get those down, then the audience will trickle in on its own.

* That audio level rant was prompted, in part, by my audio recorder, which has a gain knob that keeps getting bumped when I'm recording. Time to resort to electrical tape...
Electrical tape fixes everything

I'm so far from 1k that it's not useful yet for me to think in terms of viewers and views. My goals right now are more around consistency. I need to work on consistency of quality (including my $#@! audio levels*), cadence (maybe one per week is a good starter target), and content (my content topics have been all over the place). I figure if I can get those down, then the audience will trickle in on its own.

* That audio level rant was prompted, in part, by my audio recorder, which has a gain knob that keeps getting bumped when I'm recording. Time to resort to electrical tape...
Does your audio recorder have a lock button on it? I just assumed they all did [I don't have one], but it seems like a common-enough use case, where people put the recorder into a pocket where the knobs can get moved around, that mfgs would put a lock feature on them.

Does your audio recorder have a lock button on it? I just assumed they all did [I don't have one], but it seems like a common-enough use case, where people put the recorder into a pocket where the knobs can get moved around, that mfgs would put a lock feature on them.

Yeah, it does, kind of. It's Zoom H1n - pretty entry-level, not bad but not perfect. It has a hold/lock feature which disables the buttons, but not the input volume knob, which is just an indexed rotary knob. Definitely a case of "you get what you pay for"... someday I'll learn. There's also an auto-gain feature, which I don't really trust, but also haven't messed with much.

Anyway, I don't mean to derail this chat - I have more experimentation to do. And there's always tape :)
So I’m 10 days in and have 17 subscribers.
I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it’s going up so I’d like to think that’s positive and a sign perhaps I can get to 50 subscribers in a reasonable time?

But I’m here to say about a different goal that happened - I just had one of my favourite YouTubers add me on Twitter(won’t say who) and that made me so happy!
15 days later and I got the 50+ early goal, Wahey! Might seem a minuscule number for most but it shows to me that my content is somewhat wanted and a good sign going forward.

Even did a 50 sub special ep today on it and some of the nice comments I’ve had to date.

Next goal I guess is 100
New achievement hit today, and I wasn’t even expecting it! Just hit 1,000 TikTok followers! I have no clue if that’s good or bad but it’s made me happy not too far away from 100 subs on YT now too. God I’m loving this Motovlog stuff and glad it’s showing good signs that others enjoy it too. Also non-sub/follow goal has been achieved too; I’ve had a few people message me saying they went through similar mental health issues and that’s one of the main reasons for my channel..
Was quite surprised recently to see the channel that catapulted me into Motorbikes and Motovlogs follows me. Was such a shock tbh. Think 90% of my favourite Motovloggers follow me now and that’s just so bizarre!

I’ve done a lot of travelling since the last update too! I guess my next goals would be; Go to Wales, and also a journey from the bottom of England to the top+Scotland. Probably all on a 125.
Next channel goal is 500 subs, but that’s going to take a while
Might sound like a boring goal, but...
I want to try and edit a big part of my backlog away.

Mainly because I'm planning on getting a new pc, and don't want to transfer all those thousands GB's files xD
That's a GREAT idea! I too, share that goal! I'm only 15 videos away from catching up :D

I had to drastically cut down how many videos I record, in order to get this close! How about you?

Might sound like a boring goal, but...
I want to try and edit a big part of my backlog away.

Mainly because I'm planning on getting a new pc, and don't want to transfer all those thousands GB's files xD
I've been trying to edit my backlog away lately too. I've got filmed motovlogs from last summer which I still need to edit up.

I need to ride less and edit more...:oops:
I've been trying to edit my backlog away lately too. I've got filmed motovlogs from last summer which I still need to edit up.

I need to ride less and edit more...:oops:
OR, and hear me out here ... ride just as much, but RECORD less :D

This year, I've gone on many rides where I didn't record a single frame of footage... and some where I only recorded little snippets to either put into another video I'm working on, or for a still for Instagram.

I always have my cameras with me, though :D

OR, and hear me out here ... ride just as much, but RECORD less :D

This year, I've gone on many rides where I didn't record a single frame of footage... and some where I only recorded little snippets to either put into another video I'm working on, or for a still for Instagram.

I always have my cameras with me, though :D

Honestly most of my rides are still without the cameras rolling, and I go on many rides per week where I don't even bring them along.

Most of my motovlogs are planned trips where I have a topic or goal in mind, but most of my "fun" rides are spur of the moment things with nothing planned. :cool:

Maybe I should have the goal of bringing the cameras along on every ride, lol!!!
A bit of safety advice to anyone that switches off the camera just because they are not making a motovlog.

I hardly ever ride without a camera recording. Why not? Just last week three riders were killed in three separate crashes and just as many riders were injured in other crashes. And those were just the ones reported on the news here. Not a single one was a single vehicle accident.

On top of that there was a pedal powered brethren killed in a hit and run.

Would a camera have stopped any of those? No but at least there would be an unblinking witness.

Just because you are not making a motovlog does not mean you should not use your gear just in case.
Honestly most of my rides are still without the cameras rolling, and I go on many rides per week where I don't even bring them along.

Most of my motovlogs are planned trips where I have a topic or goal in mind, but most of my "fun" rides are spur of the moment things with nothing planned. :cool:

Maybe I should have the goal of bringing the cameras along on every ride, lol!!!
Some of us have to work during the day ;)

I get 2 rides per day when it's nice out... to work, and from work :(

A bit of safety advice to anyone that switches off the camera just because they are not making a motovlog.

I hardly ever ride without a camera recording. Why not? Just last week three riders were killed in three separate crashes and just as many riders were injured in other crashes. And those were just the ones reported on the news here. Not a single one was a single vehicle accident.

On top of that there was a pedal powered brethren killed in a hit and run.

Would a camera have stopped any of those? No but at least there would be an unblinking witness.

Just because you are not making a motovlog does not mean you should not use your gear just in case.
Good points!

I find when the cameras are rolling, I feel like I have to say something... and a lot of the time, I just don't wanna. So I stop recording.

Just because you are not making a motovlog does not mean you should not use your gear just in case.
Anything you film or say can and will be used against you. :P
Filming all the time would require huge amounts of memory and external power source. My camera, for example, takes only ~3h worth of memory card, and the batteries I have won't support the camera even that long. For a moment I figured, maybe you're talking about running the camera in loop mode, that gopros have. But you wouldn't have anyone to press the button, after the crash.

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