Why does my scooter take so long to start?

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Wannabie Member
Hi, basically i hold the starter motor button and then it takes between 20-30 seconds of holding it down and giving it a bit of throttle for it to actually start, its really annoying! Does anyone know how to fix this problem
New plug should sort it. Sounds like its turning over but not firing. A little bit of throtle wouldnt hurt the engine if thats what your worried about.
Could be the reason, once you get it going do you just jump straight on? Maybe let it sit for 30s-1min to warm up.

A little more info may help. To find if therebis a problem.

Does it only do it in a morning?
Once you've stoped, say after a 10min ride, does it do it again or still same problem?
How new are the plus?

When you take the plug out after is it wet & black?
Nah i usually let it warm up for 30 seconds or so, and after 10 minutes of riding it is more or less fine, however the spark plug does come out black and wet and it is a week old
Mateusz1308 said:
Nah i usually let it warm up for 30 seconds or so, and after 10 minutes of riding it is more or less fine, however the spark plug does come out black and wet and it is a week old

It's running too rich. Not all that hard to fix, just lean it out a little and try starting it again.
Sounds like your running it too rich.

There should be an adjustment switch on the top or, up near the top of your engine.

Too rich or too lean could seize the engine check what you manual says first then if your feeling confident enough attempt to adjust it or let a local mechanic take a look shouldnt be too hard. I used to mess about with my switch all the time on my RS bu do what you feel confident with.

& cheers, the song means alot to me & along with the original.
The carburetor controls the fuel-air mixture that goes into the combustion chamber. Too much fuel = too rich, engine will run like crap, especially when cold, and the spark plugs turn black and moist from the unburned fuel. You need to lean it out, lower the amount of fuel the carb is letting in. The process is pretty simple once you know where the mixture screw is. To find that you're going to have to do some searching on google or something. Your best bet is to find a service manual for your bike and go from there.

Or you could just take it to a competent mechanic and ask them to point it out to you.
In your manual it could be called 'idle adjustment switch'

From what i can remember, clockwise is richer & anit is leaner, your almost need to find the centre point, make sure the engine is warm because thats the minimal opperating temp.

Maybe turn all the way in. Count full turns untill is out (not completly out) then find tr centre point of your turns. Thats the way i did it on the RS
It will be found on the side of the carb. Only a small little screw. (switch) wasnt the best way of describing it.

Trinith, great explanation. Couldnt have worded it better TBH.
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