What Do You Guys Think Of Snewj?

Toma Rider

Hailing from Japan
I called this guy out recently on my channel (you can check it out if you want, title is "SNEWJ... you gotta stop man...")

He blew up within the last year and I won't bash his content, but he's all about clickbait and just putting girls in his thumbnails to get views. Other big motovloggers like Yamminoob and Do it with Dan don't resort to these tactics and they do just fine.

His big is FINEEEEE though...
Wait your trying to say yammie and Dan don't use click bait?

Ok they do use clickbait, but not in the sexual-explotation "I took a picture of this girl on the street and I'll use her in my thumbnail" kind of way. A caption and stuff should be enticing and hint at the content of the video. SnewJ just says (this is an actual caption) "This HOT MOM is instragram FAMOUS"
I hate clickbait as well, but do you know why people go this route? Cause it works :). I try to stay away from that, but can't promise I won't go that route some day. I always thought the viewers hate this, but numbers don't lie. You push 1 away, 10 more click just cause of the thumb.
numbers may not lie, but I'd rather have a few people I relate to and interact with than 1000+ morons who couldn't care less about the content or effort that is put into creating it. I posted a vid a while ago which with hindsight was very clickbaity and I regretted it very quickly, not due to getting 1 sqabillian subs or crap but because it watered down my channel and is utterly the opposite of why I do this. It didn't get me many extra views but it did create some negative comments even though it was unintentional.
Ok they do use clickbait, but not in the sexual-explotation "I took a picture of this girl on the street and I'll use her in my thumbnail" kind of way. A caption and stuff should be enticing and hint at the content of the video. SnewJ just says (this is an actual caption) "This HOT MOM is instragram FAMOUS"

This was once true, not anymore, check DIWD's latest video.


It's the new thing, be a motovlogger and just pot pics of women, everyone's on the bandwagon now.
Unfortunately, Youtube promotes your videos based on views and the beauty of clickbait is that you scroll through the video to find the "thumb screenshot", so you are not just leaving after 1s. More like 30 to a minute.
This was once true, not anymore, check DIWD's latest video.

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It's the new thing, be a motovlogger and just pot pics of women, everyone's on the bandwagon now.

I do call out Dan in my video for another one he posted, but his sexual exploitation clickbait is few and far between. SnewJ on the other hand... my video has plenty examples from him: "SNEWJ... you gotta stop this man... (CALLOUT) | Toma Rider"

I've been getting a lot of thumbs downs, prob from SnewJ fans.
Maybe my brain is wired wrongly, but I just don't get when it comes to these type of A calling out B, or B calling out A kinda videos.. If I feel someone is starting to post rubbish (to me anyway), I'll just un-sub from them.. I don't have that desire or need to want to call that person out to stop doing whatever he is doing.. I just don't care, un-sub and out of mind.

But since this is a great way of getting views and comments then I should really learn to be a master in doing these stuff. Yes, I'm just kidding.
Generally that's the idea of these so called call out videos :). You call out a much bigger channel and use their name to get views. People like to see drama. Unfortunately that also works :/.
I think if you call people out on Youtube, you should expect just a few of the called out channels subscribers to cause you some grief. Subscribers are a channels supporters.
Sometimes i look his vids, but if it is about showbink his balls in the gym i leave, i like his bike..

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