Wannabie Member
I know woman riders eh? Need to concentrate more.
AlfistiKid said:Well sat mod 2 again the other day and wait for it... failed yet again
Sitting at lights waiting to turn right and the light went amber, looked as if the 2 cars coming down the other side were slowing down so I went. Nearly got wiped out! How could I have been so stupid!
thunderous71 said:AlfistiKid said:Well sat mod 2 again the other day and wait for it... failed yet again
Sitting at lights waiting to turn right and the light went amber, looked as if the 2 cars coming down the other side were slowing down so I went. Nearly got wiped out! How could I have been so stupid!
Don't take this the wrong way but ya do know Amber = stop if your waiting at a light?
My tip is put the highway code PDF on your phone Then you can just browse it when waiting about etc. you do need to know it all not just the part on Motorbikes )
MOD2 is mostly about safety, your being watched on how safe you are and a big part is the highway code. I stalled 3 times on my MOD 2 but still passed with only 3 minors (i think) as when I stalled I started bike again , did my life savers and carried on etc. I felt like I had failed and was well surprised when I passed.
So keep ya head up and go for it again but seriously re-read the code and a nice video to watch is
Mike Waite - Advanced Motorbike Riding (dated made in the 90s I think but still good)
Sample on youtube...