Video Permissions

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Wannabie Member
A fellow YouTuber has emailed me asking to use my YouTube bike review on his channel and is planning on making a huge bike review database on his channel comprising of vloggers bike reviews which he will in turn put a link to your channel, I feel he could have just stole it and used it and I wouldn't have found out so the fact he has emailed me for permission makes me want to say yes. Is there anything I should question first?
I would personally say no, he's getting views and subs and probably adsense money from someone elses work. He's probably not dodgy, but it just seems a bit wrong to me.
Apparently he puts a short 30sec clip of your review onto his channel and then the link to your video, it sounds okay to me, just not sure if it will help keep subs, it will be solely people getting bike reviews.
Does he have a track record on YouTube? Has he done this sort of thing before? That's the best way to determine whether some random guy is legitimate or not.
I doubt I'll be doing it, it will only attract a few views and if they type in FZ6N Review mine should crop up anyhow.
Chuckles85 said:
Apparently he puts a short 30sec clip of your review onto his channel and then the link to your video, it sounds okay to me, just not sure if it will help keep subs, it will be solely people getting bike reviews.

I was going to suggest to you to suggest this same thing to him!

Personally I'd do it. Don't see any harm in that at all. This dude sounds like he's got a pretty cool idea, and I'd quite like to see his channel to be honest.
I had a look at his channel and at the moment I believe the term would be "In development", I think he's just come up with the idea and no-one a the moment has taken him up on it or he is yet to upload the clips.
Make sure your tag is in your video or on the video.

If used without permission and hes making money you can tell YT that hes stole your video and they will look into it further and check if money is being made along with subs.
Can't believe how paranoid all of you are getting over this.

It's pretty clear this guy wouldnt be aiming to make money from you. It looks like a genuine idea for a easy to access catalog of bike reviews. Especially since he'd only be posting a brief segment of your video with a link to your channel for the whole thing.

Since when did making money become to important to you making motovlogs?

I love this idea.
I feel my ears burning :p
Chuckles is correct in saying it is very much in development, in fact he was the first person to reply.
The idea started to come about when I was looking for bike reviews when deciding what bike to get for my first 33bhp but was finding it hard to find any reviews on youtube, but since deciding which bike to get I have subscribed to other people on my other youtube account and found reviews I would have found helpful a few months ago, so I decided to put them all in one place on a youtube channel.

Apologies if it seems all over the place, but with most things I only randomly had this idea yesterday in the shower so am almost making it up as I go along...
The idea is to put a short clip of reviews from as many people as I can, the clips will be like a preview of just the best bits or of the intro with a link directly to the full video on the original channel so anyone viewing it on my channel will hopefully want to watch the whole video, giving the original owner the views they deserve.
If anyone wants me to put their video on my channel then I will not put it on until I get written/typed permission from the owner of the video.

The way it is likely to work is I will send an message to someone who's video I want to put up explaining that I will not put it up until I have specific permission, and all they have to say at this stage is if they are interested or not. If they are, I will download the origonal video straight from youtube and edit it into a 10-30 second clip, or maybe more depending on the individual video, then send a copy of the clip to the origonal owner asking for specific permission to put that video on my channel. Also if at any point someone decides they don't like the sound of their own voice, or some other reason, I will gladly take down the video if asked.

This idea is very much under development, the only thing I have done to my youtube page is add a very simple logo after half an hour of messing round on adobe fireworks and photoshop and realising I really don't have the skills to make anything good :oops:

In answer to gpzDave, no I do not have a track record on youtube. I have another youtube account that I only use for watching videos, but I hope use it for motovlogging from around April time. I do however feel I am respected on another forum called TheMotorbikeForum. My name on there is mealexme and if you wish to message me on there to make sure I am the same person then feel free to. I am not going to link to my facebook page or anything because the other forum is as much "personal" information as I am comfortable giving out.

If there are any other questions/concerns then I will make a separate thread to talk about it to avoid hijacking this one, as I feel this thread is specifically about chuckles85's decision.
gpzDave said:
Does he have a track record on YouTube? Has he done this sort of thing before? That's the best way to determine whether some random guy is legitimate or not.

BikeReviewPortal said:
In answer to gpzDave, no I do not have a track record on youtube. I have another youtube account that I only use for watching videos, but I hope use it for motovlogging from around April time. I do however feel I am respected on another forum called TheMotorbikeForum. My name on there is mealexme and if you wish to message me on there to make sure I am the same person then feel free to. I am not going to link to my facebook page or anything because the other forum is as much "personal" information as I am comfortable giving out.

Well ok, that may have come out a bit harsh. All I meant to say was that it would be important to know that anyone who asked to have sections of your videos was genuine. Having read your recent posts I do believe that you have a genuine idea that you are exploring.

Personally I just wonder whether a channel with clips of reviews would be any easier to navigate than the results of a YouTube search. I'm not saying it's a terrible idea, but I'm also not totally convinced if it would be an improvement.
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