Video Flagging: How Does It Work?

I was flagged one time because of a music in a background. Yes : A car in the traffic...
WTf youtube! Had to redo all the upload and stuff...
Thats MADNESS!! Sure if it's in the background in a room, but in traffic!?

I bet it was just a few seconds too?
Yes! I was like near a car at a traffic light for, I dunno, maybe 5 sec, it was a pop music of some radio.
I didn't even notice the music but when my upload was finished, I got flagged with the name of the artist and the music. Dafuk?!
I quite literally just had one of my videos flagged for using a track from Now I did use a track from there. And I followed all the rules with crediting the artist, putting in links to the original creator etc..

But youtube flagged as the wrong track! The one they said it was, uses samples from the one I used so it's similar. So they stripped the video of it's monetisation (which was turned off anyway!) and I have to wait to see if the computer sees reason as I've explained that they have the wrong song!

I don't have much faith to be honest. So that'll be adverts simultaneously crippling my view count and lining somebody else's pockets!
Wow. Flagged for music in the background??? That's crazy. My channel is not even monetized and I'm usually careful to use less than 30 seconds which I've read is fine to do. However, I feel like I can't challenge it because I'll lose because I'm not some rich corporation. This sucks because I love using video game music and tv show music from games and shows I like. Some game music is really good and I like to get it out there to promote it. I could understand if I put like a whole song or album out or something, but less than 30 seconds?!? I guess I'll have to talk my musician friends into letting me use their stuff. Either that or you are all getting popular tunes as clarinet tracks from now on.
You would get away with it then, my account isnt monetised and ive always had full songs on my videos.
See that's what's so weird. I don't. I haven't had any vids shut down, but I always get claims and ads placed. I'm not making money, so I wish they'd just leave me alone haha.
See that's what's so weird. I don't. I haven't had any vids shut down, but I always get claims and ads placed. I'm not making money, so I wish they'd just leave me alone haha.
Really all i get is having to aknowledge someone elses work and thats all no actual copy right claima gaisnt my channel.
I was wondering the same thing. I used the Top Gun song in one of my videos "Danger Zone". They blocked it from playing in Germany and forced some adds on it. I don't mind that they get any revenue from the video since I dont monetize anyways.
One time I had a speech from a U.S. president flagged by two different artists as copyrighted because brief sections of that speech appeared in the background of those songs (no music with it in the video). Go figure :p . I challenged it, saying the speech was in the public domain and they let it fly.

I just shake my head at YouTube anymore ~_~ .....

Someone, please come up with something better :confused: !!!
That is crazy. I've just put up a music vid, I was waiting for a copyright troll to turn up, but not yet thankfully!!
YouTube will now let you use lots of popular music. You can't monetize that video and you may still get a Content ID claim, which just means the copyright holder can monetize that video. I made a quick vid showing how to do it;
i have experienced like that. i think don't use any music if it not yours. Maybe you should to remove the music or dispute it with Copyright Act of 1976

Copyright Act of 1976

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes? such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
i have experienced like that. i think don't use any music if it not yours. Maybe you should to remove the music or dispute it with Copyright Act of 1976

Copyright Act of 1976

Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes? such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
Yeah, but YouTube doesn't make it that easy anymore to use the fair use clause. The way I understand it, Youtube asks questions about how the music is used in your videos in a way that it almost takes a lawyer to answer it. They on purpose make it hard to use the fair use excuse. What a bunch a baloney >:( !
Monetising will impact on fair use for sure. Youtube tightening up isn't necessarily a bad thing. If a copyright owner flags it, they will either demonetise if applicable, monetise it for their purpose or take it down (copyright strike). For you to contest it, you are entering a legal challenge with the copyright holder. Youtube are only providing a mechanism to protect the copyright holders. You can argue fair use, but it could go fully legal. I think most copyright holders would permit use with monetisation disabled or in their favour.
Use what you like within limits, but just don't get upset when they guy who wrote the music wants his royalties.
Great topic to read about... the topic of music is so complex - i don't even bother :(
(sometimes if i want music, i'll use one of youtube's free ones from their library... but they are really limited in choice)
Music really makes for great videos though, wish I was musically gifted and could make my own!
Better off recording your own work. I can do wonders with a triangle, a recorder and a Xylophone ;-)

THIS^^^ is at the crux of the matter and is really the best solution, even if it was maybe tongue in cheek.

I have always used my own music on my vids - so FK U YouTube - it is mine.

Now, i hear you all say, "but you're a musician, that's easy for you..."

Yes I am and it is BUT....

I didn't have a clue how to edit and create videos when I started motovlogging but I learned, and it is very similar to editing and creating music...

Why don't you all try and create your own music?
I just tried, for a laugh, playing around in Garage Band.
As I know how to use imovie the navigation wasn't hard to get the hang of and I was able to create music very quickly. In fact I'm going to use some garage band stuff imported into my studio - with instruments then added etc. - for the music to my 2015 On2Wheels music video competition.

My point is - you have all learned to edit in whatever software you use. If you can do that, and can tap your foot to a beat of some music you like - then you can learn to create music in imovie, Windows Music Maker - whatever...
Throw some loops together that sound like stuff you'd like to use - add some bike noises from your footage - sing to it - play a bit of whatever you can play (or hit) to it and it will be YOUR ORIGINAL CREATION!

Why don't you all try it? You are creative people creating videos, would you like people to rip off your videos and put their own music to it? Probably not so why are you putting other people's music to your videos?
(I don't mean to offend by that, I know you're not thieves, I'm just trying to add a slant to what I'm trying to say here...)
So why not extend your own creativity to the music and make your videos truly YOURS?

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