US tax for non-US youtubers


Semi-Suicidal Dutchie
My guess is that more none US vloggers here have received the tax forms from XXVI Holdings.

Other then the fact you need 3 higher degree's in maths, and one in philosophy, just to make somewhat sense of these forms.
Do you actually have to fill them in (and/or send them back)?

The IRS website they send you is useless.
The FAQ from YouTube sends you to AdSense, which shows the same form and states it is done as is.
But is it?

How are you guys dealing with these?
More brains can puzzle this out right ;)
I'm clueless about this.

I filled it out that form a few years ago. I'm in Canada, I'm a tiny channel. They withhold 10% right off the top, not sure if I'm supposed to report it on my taxes.
I claim what they send me. I also take advantage of that to write off all of my gear, cards, batteries, accessories, etc.
Writing off equipment would be a plus. You're in Canada too? I'm using turbo tax, I recall a question about all your income from Canada. What other forms do you need?
No idea. One of my close buddies is an accountant. I send him a multi sheet excel file we've worked up over the years, and then he goes abra-cadabra, and stuff just happens.

I don't even know what goes on as it's tricky as I rent part of the property. I also use part of the property for one business, but not the other business, I also only own half the property. There's a lot to unpack, so I just try to keep it organized and then hand it off to a pro and when he's in town I take him out to dinner.
Apparantly, a other Dutch Channel has 0 Tax.
While I have 30% tax.

So I might need to take an other look at my W-8Ben form.
Same for me, a chunk of it goes to "U.S. Ch.3 Tax Withholding" and that's about it, declaring and all that I'm also not sure, I mean, if they (US) is already taxing then why do we need to be taxed again on our end.. But I'm no tax expert so I cannot say anything more.

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