I like the music and the back and forth between the bikes.
The end seems a little out of place though - it comes on suddenly and your Logo / Tagline is only on the screen for a second.
It might be worth trying to fade it in slower over a period of 2-3 seconds then holding the logo for another 2-3 seconds before the end.
Thats my input, for whatever it's worth.
I def agree that it fades away too quickly, it'd maybe be better to finish the clip at the point where the bike rides to the horizon maybe too? If you were planning on putting this at the start or end of each vid, you might want to get it under 10 seconds as well, which might save on the music being too repetitive!
I like the revised intro. It's only a couple seconds shorter than the original, but feels much shorter and more cohesive. Definitely dig that the logo/tagline stay on screen longer at the end.
It'd be great if you could find a way to cut the music and have it sound deliberate rather than fading out, but that's a tall order - I know all too well, I've struggled with little nit-picky details like that myself.
All in all the current version is snappy, memorable, and eye-catching without dragging too long. Good work.
That 2nd one is much better though personally I'd get rid of the jittery-ness of it. Just my $0.02
The revised intro is a step in the right direction. I personally think that intros should be short, preferably max of 9 seconds. I will scrub through intros if they are long and be ready to start scrubbing on the rest of the video because it is often a sign that the creator will meander, and have a ton of dead air in their vlog. Unless I'm watching simply to see the route the person is riding. If you start on that first beat, you can shave off a second. I know that sounds minuscule, but it can often give an immediate punch to start on the beat.
I also think that being ambiguous or using a passive voice in copy is not the best choice. I'm referring to "One Girls Biking Adventures". I do a lot of copy writing and my suggestion would be to own it, make it posessive like the following "This Girl's Biking Adventures" or "This Woman's Biking Adventures".