Thoughts on this patch?


Remember to Have Fun! - Solar Bear 2020 Champion
This is the 2025 rocker patch.

I wanted to get perspectives from around the world.

All the other wing designs are more organic and natural, where as the SS new design is too rigid/ straight lines.

It's probably cheaper to stitch.
Germany is known for efficiency. :cool:

But American manufacturing is not quite like that. :p
That is quite a collection of patches. Am guessing 100,000 miles don't do themselves! :)

I kinda agree with @L. Bilious re similarities, but when added with all the others on your jacket, context takes that away and the connotations are diminished.
That is quite a collection of patches. Am guessing 100,000 miles don't do themselves! :)

I kinda agree with @L. Bilious re similarities, but when added with all the others on your jacket, context takes that away and the connotations are diminished.
It will be interesting if others notice and give a reaction when it is on the jacket.
It has more of an Air Force vibe than a rider’s vibe. It’s also very static with the graphic horizontal elements of the wings, where the 2024 patch at least has a rider/bike and a strong sense of implied motion.

- Wolf
I think that the German born Jochen Zeitz, current CEO of Harley Davidson, should have had some questions about this years design.

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