Theory and Mod 1 and 2

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Thanks for all the tips. Illbe getting my theory done on wednesday, and then booking a full day training with Colchester Kawasaki, going over both mod 1 and 2, Not cheap, but should save me money on retests

As for the new bike, thats going on hold until I move house, and come back from the IOMTT, so probably around July time

Thanks again :D
sebrenauld said:
Let's be honest here. Without lessons or practice, you won't make it past two exercises on mod1: the swerve, and the u-turn. Those two take practice to master, especially the end of the swerve (stopping in the box). Lessons also take the stress off the element, as you'll do it at least once on "mock" test conditions.
I have to dissagree with some points, I found that the U-turn is easier than it first looks, When you look it up on the internet or booklets it looks smaller than what it is, & you don't acutally think how wide the 'box' actaully is.
I find sit up bikes are easier to control than any other bike, I had practiced so hard on my RS125 "sports" bike, that when I got on the little CG125 (I think it was that, unsure.) I felt a so much easier to handle, throw around & comfortable. Best advice I got for my Mod 1 was everything is in your hips, knees & toes. want to turn right, press hard down on the right peg, lift left knee into the tank. Smooth & quick the bike will move underneith you without it upsetting your balance.

Mod 1 you should only need 1st & 2nd throughout the whole test.

sebrenauld said:
Mod2 is passable without lessons if you know your rules of the road inside out (especially the finer bits - lifesavers, overtaking, and not being a twat to other road users. Bear in mind that getting into the wrong lane of a roundabout and continuing with it is a major, for example). However, I strongly wouldn't recommend it.
I agree with this, I passed both without. But I felt confident enough to take MOD 2 because I rode every day anyway.
Bikermole said:
As for the new bike, thats going on hold until I move house, and come back from the IOMTT, so probably around July time

Thanks again :D

Yeah, focus on the test then then you have all the time after that to focus on your new bike. TT should be good, I can't wait for the Manx. Alot quiter than the TT, & you get more laps on the circuit. Should be good. Keep us posted :)

Good Luck with the theory!
Id rather pay to take lessons than go in slighlty blindly, although I have watch RCN's vlog on mod 1 and 2
I feel that while I know I'm a safe rider, and feel confident, I dont know how harsh the examiners will be, mainly because of my driving test, where I felt I was ready, I failed badly, even though my instructor though I was ready :(
Just a small update, I passed my mod 1 today with 4 minors, and have my mod 2 booked for next Tuesday, I didn't have any lessons for mod 1, but have booked a day training with colchester kawasaki, it cost £200 for the day, but they say they will do me a deal on a ninja 250 :)

Cheers for all the advise :)
Brilliant, congrats and gl for Mod2. You'll be fine with that as long as you remember to stick to the rules and in particular don't ride too close to the car in front.
Bikermole said:
Just a small update, I passed my mod 1 today with 4 minors, and have my mod 2 booked for next Tuesday)

How do you feel it went? Easier or harder than you thought?
Happy for you and all the best for mod 2!
Thanks, to be honest, I'm not sure what I was worrying about! I just relaxed and stayed calm.
My top bit of advise for anyone is to remember the examiner is a biker too, if you can start talking about bikes, it can help to break the ice and it certainly helped me relax

RoadcraftNottingham said:
Looks like congrats are in order for both of you. Well done. :-D

Thanks, funnily enough, Ive just watch your MOD 2 video, and took in a lot from it! :)
Congratulations! Good luck with your MOD2.

Before I went out for my driving test all I could think about was going to the chippy cause I was hungry haha. As soon as I passed and got home I took the keys of my car and went to get chips :D Come to think on it I was sitting playing my PSP before my instructor picked me up. Can't wait to get my bike licence!
Bikermole said:
Just a small update, I passed my mod 1 today with 4 minors, and have my mod 2 booked for next Tuesday, I didn't have any lessons for mod 1, but have booked a day training with colchester kawasaki, it cost £200 for the day, but they say they will do me a deal on a ninja 250 :)

Cheers for all the advise :)
Pro advice for you on mod2 if you don't plan on taking many lessons: check where your test is. Open Google Maps, check "terrain" and check every hill. You know there's going to be a hillstart. So you know that your test route will go through it. Go everywhere around them. Memorize "difficult" junctions, roundabouts, roads etc.
It may save your butt.

Some instructors or schools make the test routes public, by the way. It might be worth googlin' around.
sebrenauld said:
Bikermole said:
Just a small update, I passed my mod 1 today with 4 minors, and have my mod 2 booked for next Tuesday, I didn't have any lessons for mod 1, but have booked a day training with colchester kawasaki, it cost £200 for the day, but they say they will do me a deal on a ninja 250 :)

Cheers for all the advise :)
Pro advice for you on mod2 if you don't plan on taking many lessons: check where your test is. Open Google Maps, check "terrain" and check every hill. You know there's going to be a hillstart. So you know that your test route will go through it. Go everywhere around them. Memorize "difficult" junctions, roundabouts, roads etc.
It may save your butt.

Some instructors or schools make the test routes public, by the way. It might be worth googlin' around.

This is an excellent piece of advice. Even if you just ride around the streets within 5 miles of the test centre a whole bunch it'll benefit you greatly as you're likely to come across a lot of stuff you already know. One thing my DAS teacher did was continually take us around the test area and point out horrible bits where they could auto-fail you.

Not to scare you, but one bit my instructor showed me was a dual carriageway in town (40mph) coming to the end at a roundabout and you normally turn left. There is actually a hidden entrance just before the roundabout and if you signal before the hidden entrance (no sign post, nothing) then it's a fail for providing a false signal. Turned out I did get taken along that route too...
Yarek said:
sebrenauld said:
Bikermole said:
Just a small update, I passed my mod 1 today with 4 minors, and have my mod 2 booked for next Tuesday, I didn't have any lessons for mod 1, but have booked a day training with colchester kawasaki, it cost £200 for the day, but they say they will do me a deal on a ninja 250 :)

Cheers for all the advise :)
Pro advice for you on mod2 if you don't plan on taking many lessons: check where your test is. Open Google Maps, check "terrain" and check every hill. You know there's going to be a hillstart. So you know that your test route will go through it. Go everywhere around them. Memorize "difficult" junctions, roundabouts, roads etc.
It may save your butt.

Some instructors or schools make the test routes public, by the way. It might be worth googlin' around.

This is an excellent piece of advice. Even if you just ride around the streets within 5 miles of the test centre a whole bunch it'll benefit you greatly as you're likely to come across a lot of stuff you already know. One thing my DAS teacher did was continually take us around the test area and point out horrible bits where they could auto-fail you.

Not to scare you, but one bit my instructor showed me was a dual carriageway in town (40mph) coming to the end at a roundabout and you normally turn left. There is actually a hidden entrance just before the roundabout and if you signal before the hidden entrance (no sign post, nothing) then it's a fail for providing a false signal. Turned out I did get taken along that route too...
Knowing the roads and pitfalls like that is a must. I got the notorious Garsington Hairpin on my mod2. Basically, it's a slope down, slope up... And you see a road ahead. What you don't see, however, is that that road is a side road and not the main road. The road you're on loops around the hill as a hairpin, and there is actually no sign of it.

Went there on practice runs a few times and stalled the bike the first time as "OH SHIT OMG DIDN'T EXPECT THAT". When mod2 came up, I knew it was there and didn't break a sweat.
sebrenauld said:
Pro advice for you on mod2 if you don't plan on taking many lessons: check where your test is. Open Google Maps, check "terrain" and check every hill. You know there's going to be a hillstart. So you know that your test route will go through it. Go everywhere around them. Memorize "difficult" junctions, roundabouts, roads etc.
It may save your butt.

Some instructors or schools make the test routes public, by the way. It might be worth googlin' around.

I didn't have a hill start, only challenging thing I remember doing was pulling in behind a random parked car & he watched me pull away. Test routes change often for this reason, when I spoke to my MOD2 examiner afterwards he told me that was the new route from the week before.

+1 on the 'go everywhere', I'd highly recomend you ride around the local area of the test centre, 2-3mile radius I'd say. You'd be surprised how short the test acutally is, it left like had only gone round the block ended up being on the bike for close to 1hr. Enjoy the ride don't put to much pressure on yourself about it, you can always retake, but hopfully that won't be the case.

Good Luck buddy.
Azz3r has good advice there - you can fail 15 times, but you only have to pass once... I was nervous on my Mod1, but for some reason I was totally and utterly relaxed on my Mod2 and aced it - the one fault I got I would have argued about if I could've stopped grinning for 5 seconds :P
Yarek said:
I was nervous on my Mod1

I think because it's the first 'propper test' everyone feels like this, but after it you take a step back & realise what was all the fuss & worry about. :lol:
Cheers again for the advice!
Ive invested in a days training with Colchester Kawasaki (The BSB Team :D) £200 seems like a lot for 7 hours training, but ive been with tham before, and theyre good. My Mod 2 is on this tuesday, and since I'm in IPswich almost every other week, I know the area like the bac of my hand!
Ill of course let you all know how I get on!
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