The roads out here

Mr. G

Essential G
Here in New Jersey once it warms up you want to ride. But can You? Are all the pot holes patched up? Doubtful. I take my bike in during that first week to avoid the pot holes and give time for public works to fix things. Your thoughts. Is it safe riding road condition where you are when the warmth hits?
our roads are already full of potholes as they never fix them properly each year so they just get worse and worse. I'd not want a superbike on the road that is for sure!
our roads are already full of potholes as they never fix them properly each year so they just get worse and worse. I'd not want a superbike on the road that is for sure!
Did no5 expect to hear that. Ours get so bad they have to repair them. Guess I am learning.
Our local councils are too scared to invest the proper money in repairing and properly resurfacing our roads so they just pour a bit of lukewarm tarmac into the holes without even bonding it to the original road structure. There are roads on my way to work that have no paint markings left showing where your lane meets the oncoming lane so we often have cars coming straight at us thinking they are on the correct side of the road.... I hate the direction this country is heading, there is no investment or care for the future, just the immediate now.
Our local councils are too scared to invest the proper money in repairing and properly resurfacing our roads so they just pour a bit of lukewarm tarmac into the holes without even bonding it to the original road structure. There are roads on my way to work that have no paint markings left showing where your lane meets the oncoming lane so we often have cars coming straight at us thinking they are on the correct side of the road.... I hate the direction this country is heading, there is no investment or care for the future, just the immediate now.
Bit of that here =(
Our local councils are too scared to invest the proper money in repairing and properly resurfacing our roads so they just pour a bit of lukewarm tarmac into the holes without even bonding it to the original road structure. There are roads on my way to work that have no paint markings left showing where your lane meets the oncoming lane so we often have cars coming straight at us thinking they are on the correct side of the road.... I hate the direction this country is heading, there is no investment or care for the future, just the immediate now.

Maybe nobody believes in tomorrow.
Ohio is the same - LOTS of potholes! You just have to ride slower so you can avoid them.
The other issue here is road salt. When the snow melts and the roads dry up a bit there is still white road salt everywhere. The loose chunky stuff is like gravel. I can't stand the thought of all that salt getting all over my bike, so I don't ride too soon after the snow melts. I usually wait until after a substantial rain that washes most of it away.

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