Sven Meet up

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Wannabie Member
I'm still shocked by Svens passing, still very hard to believe.
Been speaking to a few friends and motovloggers and we all agree there should be a meet up for Sven. He's the man who got me onto two wheels and has me chasing geocaches all over the place, the least I can do.

So I'm here now proposing a meet up and ride in the warmer months to commemorate this motovlogger and someone I always Intended to go visit and say hi, so this is the next best thing.

This may seem a bit early, and probably is but I'd like to try and get something fitting for him. There has already been a fair amount of chatter about this so I think it's time to collate ideas?
I recieved an email over YouTube asking to attend a meet up like this in May.
Dont know if it was you that sent it, but it sounds similar to this.
Of course i'd be up for this if i'm free!

Don't think i've seen you on the forums before? but Norfolk is quite close to a lot of us :) feel free to direct me to your introduction post if i've missed it!
this could be interhgrated into the big bike meet coming up soon, I have considered asking his brother if he'd like the idea and perhaps having a whip round and personally delivering it to his folks or something.
Chuckles85 said:
this could be interhgrated into the big bike meet coming up soon, I have considered asking his brother if he'd like the idea and perhaps having a whip round and personally delivering it to his folks or something.

I think that would be a great idea!

Bikermole said:
Stamford is a bit far for me at 100 odd miles :(

How good are you as a pillion? :P
I have contacted Sven's brother on the matter to see if we could intergrate this in with the big bike meet and hopefully drum up some money for his kids trust fund his folks are doing and pass on our condolences in person and show in force what Sven meant for us, his folks don't live too far from where we are meeting and we have plently of time to intergrate this into the first day. The ball is in their court and I have tried to word things as sensitively as possible and obviously if they want no contact that is thier wish and I can totally understand this.
The meet up I got contacted about is to take place in Nottingham and travel along the roads featured in some of Svens videos.
It wasn't me who send out the mails, I've spoken to the guy who shares similar ideas, his plan Is a bit open to allow for people to chip In ideas etc.
I'll be going, so thats at least 4 people.
It'd be nice to get as many people who can, have fun, and maybe help out with his kids trust fund.
I'd like to know a bit more about "the guy" if possible, is he a motovlogger or what? Just i don't tend to make a habit out of meeting complete and utter strangers from the internet!
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