Sunny Bear Challenge - Motovlog Competition - Win Prizes

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Thank you very much!!!!!! well done everyone and good luck to everyone in the second part!!!!!
I have really enjoyed seeing everyones videos!!!!!
And look forward to seeing more!! so get on it!!!!!

I dont want to even hear the word lurch!!

Actually to make this even more fair!

You can do the honours of doing the raffle, maybe do a video of the draw if you want?
Whats happening? 1st to 3rd is awarded and the extension is for 4th and a lucky dip?
How were those points broken up? I thought I had those triple points in needlecraft! Rigged I say! Riiiiigggggged! lol
Hang on, I thought Mefiesto won, but now I re-read... Blackmamba cheated on the 30mph and didnt do needlecraft, didnt drink his beetroot and yesterdaysnews was under 3 mins. How! How I ask! Handies under the table? lol
Now now Nerb! It wasn't just on how many you did!

However, you're up for my personal commendation for best video with your N-weldcraft. Pure genius and a great fall that you had a brilliantly named latest sub!
Hang on, I thought Mefiesto won, but now I re-read... Blackmamba cheated on the 30mph and didnt do needlecraft, didnt drink his beetroot and yesterdaysnews was under 3 mins. How! How I ask! Handies under the table? lol

Well, he did do the Needlecraft video, in some way.

I don't think full clarity is needed, it was a fun race and a first timer here ;)

I will make sure the second price will be used for motovlogging, still need to spray-paint the bike, maybe (if price wise it looks good) i will let some company do it, with the prize money ;)

Lurch and Dan, thanks, next year again :)
To the competitors for the other 3 prizes, good luck, it is fun to do ;)
Now now Nerb! It wasn't just on how many you did!

However, you're up for my personal commendation for best video with your N-weldcraft. Pure genius and a great fall that you had a brilliantly named latest sub!

3 points for sure, even the CT couldn't beat that one ;)
O8ride, su
SergeantR6 s
BlackMamba, sunnybear
THR, sunny
Meifesto, sunnybear
Nerb, s-nnybear
Rusty, s
tyty, s
RealRider s
Lurch, s
Taz792, s
CMV, s

BlackMamba is the first winner of £200
Meifesto is 2nd Prize
Nerb is 3rd

What we are going to do is extend the competition by another 3 weeks for a few reasons

Go Go Go...

Hang on, I thought Mefiesto won, but now I re-read... Blackmamba cheated on the 30mph and didnt do needlecraft, didnt drink his beetroot and yesterdaysnews was under 3 mins. How! How I ask! Handies under the table? lol

Now now Nerb! It wasn't just on how many you did!


Lurch is UK.
Dan is UK.
Mamba is UK.

So 3 times UK, like 3 sides of a triangle......


Interesting... ;)
Illuminati were disbanded in the late 18th century...

Or were they!!! Funnily enough, disbanded as secret societies were deemed illegal. Obviously wasn't secret enough lol!

@Meifesto Don't need to wait for next year, hopefully the Solar Bear should keep you busy December thru February. Just need ideas! And that one you get to hold the trophy for a year.
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