Sunny Bear 2017

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Hippo goes all night. Uh huh....

And with that disturbing image, there draws the curtain on the Sunny Bear!

Anyone with any left to finish up, please do still post them, still space on the Facebook page up for grabs.

We'll see if we can get the final scores up sooner than stated, but in the meantime will be a standings as of the final whistle when Hippo can update.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part, and thanks to all supporters who've watched the videos!
Just to confirm then!!

So the Sunny Bear roll call is as follows: (I have included a hyperlink in each letter to each person's entry)

@R-Rated ......... S U N N Y B E A R
@HippoDrone .... S U N N Y B E A R
@2WV .............. S U N N Y B _ A R
@LoneWolfer ..... S U N N Y B E A R
@SM26 ............. S U N N Y B E
@lupin .............. S U N N Y B E A R
@BlackMamba ... S U N
@Cave Troll ....... S U N N Y B E A R
@redkaw .......... S U N N Y B E A R
@burlyjack ........ S U
@F4celess ......... S U
@Abay .............. S U N N
Apologies to all but we are going to have to delay announcing the winners. Sometimes life happens and it takes priority over other things. Please be assured that the results will be announced as soon as is able to do so. Please ride safe everyone.
Hey everyone, I am sorry for the delay in getting the results out.

Anyhowzles, we have our winners. It was very hard to choose from each round who put in the best entry and this meant by the end we had a tiebreaker for third place which was even harder to decide between them.

So the winners of Sunny Bear 2017:

In 3rd place with 54pts after completing all the video challenges is @lupin
In 2nd place with 56pts is @redkaw
and [drum roll]
In 1st place with 59pts is @Cave Troll :)

Well done to all of you who took part, it really was tough to choose between a lot of the videos, but a proper congratulations to the winners and a thank you for the entertainment you provided me with when I was judging them.

If you could drop @dandoolittle a pm to discuss the prize arrangements that'd be dandy.
I did not monetize this gem. I hope I captured everyone . . .I also put links in the description of the video. Some of you really need to get the custom names!

Thank you to @2WV for inspiring me to do this a few months ago. I had to wait for the winners to be selected first.

Congrats to two bastards that beat me lol.

I’m not sure if I’m happy with 3rd or disappointed yet.

Bring on solar bear although I do like having the trophy I’d also like to see where it can travel to next time.
I did not monetize this gem. I hope I captured everyone . . .I also put links in the description of the video. Some of you really need to get the custom names!

Thank you to @2WV for inspiring me to do this a few months ago. I had to wait for the winners to be selected first.

There’s a ban... labelling hippo as an admin....
There’s a ban... labelling hippo as an admin....

Sorry about that:(,

I should have wrote "Moderator", but really he did not seem real moderate with all the energy he brought to game!

. . . LEAD NUTTER just did not look good. You know with folks possibly misreading it and then wondering about surgery options, underwear construction, is that how lead can turn to gold, etc. :eek:
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