SOLAR BEAR 2020 begins now!

Unfortunately it's blocked in UK and Japan due to me using the 1960's Batman TV theme song. What a lot of crap. I used 1 minute of a Pink Floyd song in a previous video without any issues, but a TV theme from nearly 60 years ago gets flagged. Crazy YouTube. You can watch it on instagram Mr Hippo!
Unfortunately it's blocked in UK and Japan due to me using the 1960's Batman TV theme song. What a lot of crap.
I too have learnt this the hard way, and I avoid using licensed music altogether now. My best advice is to poke around the Youtube music library, which suprisingly offers some half decent music believe it or not.. without any of the licensing malarkey.
YouTube has a tool that will let you know any issues with music you want to use prior to using it, well worth checking before running copywritten music :-)
Am I the only one having trouble doing the "L"?
I might try sneaking up behind people instead of standing out in the open...
I had to go covert on this one to get the reaction. Was it planned? Was it karma?
Either way, she caught the "joke" and laughed.

Plus there is a bonus joke of mine showing my desert like wit :cool:
Guys, I think I'm out of the challenge. Riding up to Tokyo tomorrow to deliver my bike to its new owner. My next bike won't be ready for 2 weeks, so I don't think I'll be able to do the rest of the videos in time... Bad timing :oops:
Guys, I think I'm out of the challenge. Riding up to Tokyo tomorrow to deliver my bike to its new owner. My next bike won't be ready for 2 weeks, so I don't think I'll be able to do the rest of the videos in time... Bad timing :oops:

I got Kudos with Rental819 cause i borrowed their Sportster for a month, if you want my referral take it and do the challenges on rental bikes :D
Please allow this piece of cinematic creation inspire you to jump in on the competition. As you can see, you don't need a huge budget as long as you have clones on your payroll ;)

Getting my PC fixed has been my priority for my time off, sadly no time to do much riding to get to an interesting sign post. I had sorted a prop for doing the "S" video as there is a sign that could be funny to use... but the closest one is a good trek away and I've needed to be home each of my days off waiting for PC parts to arrive.

Winners Video

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