Solar Bear 2018

Mmmm, challenges are not defined yet? It would be interesting to read them... i could participate
I really hope some of you can come up with some more suggestions for videos, if you don't have an idea for each that doesn't matter, just an idea for one of the letters would be ace. Would be a shame if you had an awesome idea but didn't share it so it didn't get used! :-)
So, any start date ?

Don't have any real ideas for a challenge other then:

L- Female style
S- Sidesaddle

Ride your motorcycle in Sidesaddle/ladystyle (so two legs on 1 side) (bonus points for doing it the whole vlog long).
HEY! Has there been any word on the start or will this be tabled until after the demonitzation squads round up the small channels on Feb. 20?

I am good either way. Just curious is all because I did enjoy Sunny Bear this last round.
It’s fallen off the rails a bit this project.

I don’t think monetisation is an issue for it. Should it be? It’s a comp for the taking part, unless you’re all quitting YouTube in a couple of weeks...
It’s fallen off the rails a bit this project.

I don’t think monetisation is an issue for it. Should it be? It’s a comp for the taking part, unless you’re all quitting YouTube in a couple of weeks...

I was wondering about some other small creators. Should be interesting in the participation.
Hi everyone! I've been away from this site for sometime, and last time I was basically only participating in Sunny Bear. I hope I don't come across as only looking for comp in this site. Anyway here is some of my suggestion:

S : Sing a song
L : Language. Speak some words/sentences in non english. If you're non native english speaker, tell a little bit about your native language. If you're a native english speaker, tell a story about learning other languages or any interest in it.
A : Accident. Tell a story about being in a road accident, or seeing one.
E : Embarrassing. Tell the most embarrassing story that you dare to share!
R : Random act of kindness. Make the world a better place

I'll surely be participating in this! Last time was fun even though I didn't complete all the letters

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