Ozarks Meet-up 2016


Wannabie Member
It's that time of year again folks! This will be the official 2016 Ozarks Meet-Up repository. Please watch this thread or the Facebook page for updates as information evolves. I do not participate on Facebook, Trinith has volunteered to relay this information to the Facebook page (thanks Trinith).


When: May 20 thru May 23
Most folks will arrive on Friday (20th) afternoon/evening and leave Monday (23rd) morning. You can of course arrive earlier/stay later. Main riding days will be Saturday and Sunday. Early-birds can ride Friday if desired, we typically have several folks that get in a couple-hour ride Friday evening.

Where: Quality Inn Clarksville
1167 S. Rogers Ave.
Clarksville, Arkansas 72830
(479) 754-3000
Manager: Deanna Holman

MotoVlog room rate is $65/night plus tax for two queen beds. Please let the reservation clerk know that you are with the MotoVlog group to get this rate, they have graciously extended the same rate as last year. If you are going to attend - go ahead and reserve now! There are not many rooms available in the Clarksville area this time of the year. As of now - there are 8 rooms specifically blocked off for us.

What: Riding - lots of it, and then some! We typically leave the motel about 9-ish and don't return until late in the afternoon. Rides have ranged between 250-350 miles with 1 stop scheduled for a nice meal along with necessary fuel stops. Socializing in the evening afterwards.


Pre-planned routes will meander through the Ozark and Boston Mountain region of north-central Arkansas. Roads tend to be on the technical side, i.e. twisty, hilly and inviting of a quick pace. We have a PERFECT safety record with this event and stress to all to ride within their comfort level. As with any riding situation in a mountainous environment, riders have a tendency to get strung out, depending on skill and or comfort level. There is a chance that you could encounter brief periods of time where you do not see the rider in front or behind you. This is NORMAL. Rest assured, the group (or a designated rider) will stop at any intersection and wait for the last rider to join the group.

Trip tips:

1. The road surfaces are mostly chip-and-seal. They are rough and accelerate tire wear. If you don't think you have at least 1,000 miles of wear left in a tire, you need to get a new one. There are literally no places in the area to buy tires except Little Rock or Russellville, and the problem compounds itself on weekends.

2. Bring rain gear unless the forecast calls for near-zero chances. Like any hilly region, weather is unpredictable and changes fast. Also a sweatshirt or light jacket to lounge around in case it's cool. We do ride in light rain. We have also ridden in very thick fog, as foggy conditions are unpredictable up at higher elevations.

3. Your bike needs to have a fuel range of at least 100 miles, minimum. If not, please arrange to carry fuel, lol.

Feel free to post up any questions and I'll do my best to answer!
For more information on how the ride is conducted, what is expected of participants during the ride, and general road rules/manners, see this video, especially the end. We've had issues in the past with people who think we're going to hold their hand through the whole thing, and who think we're going to cater to their thoughts on how a ride should be structured. This is not how it works. Think of it as more of a meet up, with a lot of riding involved. There's no 'road captain,' escort, or chase vehicle. It's also free.

XXX526 and I organize this event in our spare time for the good of the community. We've only had 2 people that ever showed up and just did not fit in. We don't care how you like to ride, come on out anyway and have some fun with us. Just don't expect everyone to ride at your pace, or do things your way. It simply won't happen.

Enjoy the ride guys. I only ask that if you get a moaner, don't tell them about the site ;)

I'm not going to start bring a baby sitter again ;)
Enjoy the ride guys. I only ask that if you get a moaner, don't tell them about the site ;)

I'm not going to start bring a baby sitter again ;)

We don't anticipate his return, and I highly doubt we'll ever see another meltdown like that. Hopefully I'm never again brought out of a nice nap by some idiot who thinks I have control over a ride I'm not participating in. God save the poor bastard who makes that mistake.

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