Odometer showing almost double milage...

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Wannabie Member
I have just come back from my nearest Tesco and always reset my odometer when I fill up. When I got off the bike I noticed its reading 19 miles when I know for fact that the journey was only around 10. So what could be wrong, thats quite a big difference... ?
You're 100% positive that this is a recent issue? Did you notice any problems with the speedometer on the way home?
Trinith said:
You're 100% positive that this is a recent issue? Did you notice any problems with the speedometer on the way home?

No, i'm not sure that it is recent but i suspect it is as i recently had to replace the speedo cable due to a breakage, the speedo works fine though. I'm about to take the bike out again to see if the problem persists as it could turn out I simply turned the dial too far without realising, seems unlikely but is a posibility.
Have you managed to switch the mileage display into kmph?

Either that or you're spinning whichever wheel the speedometer reads from? 9 mile rolling burnouts or wheelies? :lol:
NastyEvilNinja said:
Have you managed to switch the mileage display into kmph?

Either that or you're spinning whichever wheel the speedometer reads from? 9 mile rolling burnouts or wheelies? :lol:

Haha :D Definitally not the wheely option, havnt even tried to do one :p But i did think about the mph to kph... how would I have managed that though? I have a bigger problem now though, despite cleaning my exhaust twice a week all winter it seems it didnt pay off and it blew through yesterday. There arnt and spares available for it anywhere at the moment and i have my mod 1 on friday... damn those mild steel down pipes on 2 strokes.
sstimmyy said:
NastyEvilNinja said:
Have you managed to switch the mileage display into kmph?

Either that or you're spinning whichever wheel the speedometer reads from? 9 mile rolling burnouts or wheelies? :lol:

Haha :D Definitally not the wheely option, havnt even tried to do one :p But i did think about the mph to kph... how would I have managed that though? I have a bigger problem now though, despite cleaning my exhaust twice a week all winter it seems it didnt pay off and it blew through yesterday. There arnt and spares available for it anywhere at the moment and i have my mod 1 on friday... damn those mild steel down pipes on 2 strokes.

That was assuming your speedo is digital, of course? If not then it can't be done!

Where on the downpipes is it blowing? You could get hold of some exhaust wadding (somewhere like Halfords should do it) and paste, then I'd recommend cutting a section out of a beer can to hold it in place, and tie it all together by wrapping metal wire around it. I did that over a huge hole in a 2-stroke expansion chamber once and it lasted for months. If it's by the manifold end of your pipes it might get too hot for that to last, but it should still get you through the test ok.
about your exhaust blowing my mates dt exhaust started to blow he tried gum gum and wadding and wrap but non to any effect it kept blowing throw.

I would say take it to someone or somewhere that can weld good and say ask them to spot weld it tell them its thin and they should be able to do it, my friend did not listen to that bit and asked his mate who cant weld properly and ended up blowing holes init with his old welder and reined the pipe he had to buy a new exhaust.
Thanks for the help chaps! :)

The odometer isnt digital so that rules out that possibility, i went out to test it again yesterday and sure enough it's doing around twice the milage, I know for a fact the road from my house to a certain set of cross roads is pretty much bang on one mile but it measured around 2 each way... very odd. Not overly bothered as i want to sell in a month though :)

As for the exhaust... the hole is on the downpipe fairly near the manifold so I'm not sure how well it would hold up, the pipe is not just round, it has some sort of 'seam' down each side so would make clamping anything around it fairly tricky :( I guess this means ill have to try the welding option. There's a guy up the road who does bike mots and repairs so ill give him a bell tomorrow. Other than that I've managed to source a second hand exhaust for a good price but the guy hasn't had time to break the bike yet so It might be tricky trying to get hold of it for thursday at the latest.
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