New series - "What Say You?"


Wannabie Member
I just uploaded the first of a series of videos intended to help me improve my channel by asking my viewers what works and what doesn't and helping me to get to know my audience. In the beginning a lot of topics will be about my videos and what people like or dislike but eventually it will just be a weekly question that may or may not be motovlog or even motorcycle related.

If any of you occasionally suffer from vlogger's block (similar to writer's block) like I do I'm hoping that this will give other vloggers some ideas for topics to discuss on their own channel. The only thing I ask is if you do use one of the topics I discuss please put a link to your videos in the comments on my videos so we can all see them. It would also be nice to mention my channel in your video so people can see other responses as well.

Here's the first of the series. I hope you enjoy. I also hope to improve a bit once I get more videos in the series completed.


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