From my perspective, I believe this setup is a good mix of banter, education, debate, and sh1t's watching. Why?
Seems like folks I run into locally forget or don't care there is a whole world out there and they are just a small part. I hate to delve too far into politics but it seems some riders around where I live are not just drinking the koolaid that true bikers only do X or ride X or whatever X - a few are standing in line for another serving.
So I get one here to see that a rider from another part of the world not only has sh1t to watch but also sees things similar and has the same frustration and joy from riding.
Maybe if more of these local folks would take time to look around beyond their own little bubbles they would see we are all more alike than different.
Sorry to soapbox but it was getting a bit dusty...I do look forward to summer for the southern hemisphere riders and seeing their take on things.