MoToronto -> Toronto Meet-up


Sexiest Motovlogger Alive
Hey everyone,

DMotovlogs here, and I am bringing you an event like
This will be the
FIRST motovlogger-hosted riding event in Toronto!

I am hosting an event called MoToronto...

and would like to invite YOU!

Who: Hosted by DMotovlogs
What: MoToronto
When: Thursday, June 19, 2014 at 1:30pm
Where: Costco parking lot (Across from Yorkdale Mall)
Why: Because we love riding!

Hope to see you fellow riders there!
Ride safe and peace,
Hey folks, just so you guys know, we are parked in the southeast corner of the Costco lot, at 100 Billy Bishop Way. We will likely be leaving shortly after 1:30 to do a bit of a ride and get some vlogging time in.
Likewise guys! Definitely gotta arrange another meet soon.

The area we were in is called Musselman Lake/Whitchurch-Stouffville, the ice cream/convenience store is called the Cedar Beach Variety Store and is located at the northwest corner of Cedarvale Blvd and Ninth Line.

Been visiting that shop for a few years now, the owner (I *believe* his name is George?) is a great guy.

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