London to Guildford ride 8th June

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Wannabie Member
Whats up folks?? I was thinking of doing a ride from London to guildford on my birthday 8th June. I usually take a long way around with some nice roads to the place and then have some nom noms at a cafe near in guildford. I was thinking of meeting everyone at the Ace Cafe in the early afternoon and then heading there. Anyone up for it let me know, I will put up a video in a few days with some footage of my last ride there so everyone can get an idea of how the ride is.

Let me know if your interested.
Ok so still going ahead, here is the plan.

Meet at ace cafe at 11:00 I will wait 30 mins for any late comers after 11:30 we head out and head to guildford the scenic way. Once in guildford we have some food then head back or maybe go and visit the harley davidson dealership.

Let me know what you think.
Im up for that, sounds like a good day out to me! Was at the Harley shop in Guildford/Godalming today, i can only dream of them bikes :P

Footle, you up for meeting me in guildford before we go to Ace cafe and we will make our way together?
blanketofanonymity said:
Have a great time chaps, would love to come but alas, I'll be in Ireland for a Wedding.. err <cough>proper pissup<cough>....... :)

HAHA im sure you'll be having alot of fun to ;) :lol:
Lets hope the weather holds out... Can everyone who is coming drop me a pm with their mobiles so I have an idea of numbers.
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