Live streaming to Youtube - question

I was investigating this some time last year, but the rules are always changing. There are differences even for what do you use for streaming - PC, Phone app, special apps (like camera specific).
For phone currently, it showed me 50 subs, unless my age is below 17.
Ok, well this is interesting. I tried it on my Youtube app on my phone anyway and it may be working even though I'm only around 314 subs. It says it will take 24 hrs to activate live streaming on my account, so, let's see if it will be able to do it tomorrow.

I'm hoping so because this will be very helpful keeping the channel active while on a month long road trip I plan to do this summer. I can upload short clips while on the road, then process and upload all the main video when I get back home.

If this works, it may be an excuse to upgrade my phone!
Ok, an update. So it said "24 hours to activate" but after 24 hours, it just says "24 hours to activate" when you try. Then waited another 24 hours and it says "Needs 24 hours to activate". Not sure if this is because of not enough subs or not, but it doesn't say I need them.
Yes, and sit in front of the phone, all that time, staring in to the camera :D
I'd also sacrifice a virgin, just in case.

google support does say however, that it can take few hours to couple of days, for the livestream to activate. Maybe just check again once or twice every day?
Yes, and sit in front of the phone, all that time, staring in to the camera :D
I'd also sacrifice a virgin, just in case.

google support does say however, that it can take few hours to couple of days, for the livestream to activate. Maybe just check again once or twice every day?
Im having a hard time finding any virgins.
AFAIK, YouTube allows Live Streaming from your computer when you are <1k subs, but from your phone when >1k subs.

I keep meaning to do a live stream, but other things get in the way. I've participated in a few, using StreamYard.

I saw this online, but want to confirm, you need to have 1000 subs in order to do any livestreaming to youtube?
Negative. You do have to do the account verification stuff, but then you go into live streaming, and it'll flag it for setup. 24ish hours later and you're golden. We have a channel built just for a local Gundam build club and we do live streams, with maybe 80 subs? And it's only ever been live streamed. I set it up from the beginning to do so.
AFAIK, YouTube allows Live Streaming from your computer when you are <1k subs, but from your phone when >1k subs.

I keep meaning to do a live stream, but other things get in the way. I've participated in a few, using StreamYard.

Mobile will unlock after 50 subs, but the archive video will default to private. Just have to go into the channel manager and set it to public manually.
Ok, an update. So it said "24 hours to activate" but after 24 hours, it just says "24 hours to activate" when you try. Then waited another 24 hours and it says "Needs 24 hours to activate". Not sure if this is because of not enough subs or not, but it doesn't say I need them.
It took a week for the Gunpla channel to activate. Kept showing the same thing.
So, just to toss it out there, I had to set up the live option on the new Moto Wisco channel. It's up and working from PC with only like 6 subs. Still shows 50 subs to enable it from mobile. May try a workaround with my setup and a hot spot just for fun.

It took about 4 days for it to go active once requested.
That's what I remember, from the PC you can livestream anytime with no minimum sub count. From the youtube mobile app you need 1000 subs.

I've done a few livestreams driving around with my iphone, my buddies barely even show up. Got some random people happen by and comment but never any real traffic. I set up my DJI action cam to livestream but the one hangup is I need to start it from a PC. I don't like to video the area around my home base, so I never livestreamed a motovlog. I see the new GoPros can livestream in low res, if I get one I'll give it a try.
I can't imagine a livestream of a motovlog would be hugely popular, it isn't like you can interact with the audience unless you can somehow get a text to speech thing reading comments into your headset?
I remember the time when live meant that you were able to see another place in real time, not that there was any interaction from the audience.
But is there a benefit to that in our use? Maybe for a news update in Ukraine, but while stuck at a set of traffic lights in Milton Keynes streamed at 720p, I really can't see any value over a video pre recorded and edited to get rid of the boring bits?
If it was something I wanted to do, I'd cheat, I'd record a full video, then go home and transfer it to my PC, then stream that video "live" and no one would know the difference, other than you could do so at full resolution without risk of losing signal etc. But again, I really wouldn't see any value in that sort of video, am sure others will have the opposite opinion, I am not saying I am right.... just that every one who disagrees is wrong! :D (joke) :D
Live video is a bit like the "Premier" feature on YouTube, it relies on your audience caring enough about your channel and you as an individual for them to drop what they are doing and sit in front of a computer for as long as your stream/video lasts, but at least with a premier, you can sit with them and participate in the sidebar chat.
I have done a few "Premier" vids, and really enjoyed the interaction with those that watched, but have often found that they have ruined the experience of the video for those joining five min or so late who either miss the first part of the video, or have "spoilers" in the sidebar chat from 5min ahead, and several have said to me they won't watch premiers because of needing to be at a PC at a set time... The whole joy for me of YouTube, is that I can pick up a video and watch it whenever I want to, whenever fits my schedule.... but I guess I am derailing this thread now, so will go back under my rock and grumble quietly to myself in the corner! :D

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